Drop Dead, Jonas


Alyson's POV

Ugh. I can't believe this. She's actually making me go to their concert. If you had asked me a few years ago, I'd be jumping at the chance to see them in concert. But now, it just hurts too much. Too many tears had been shed, too many lies had been spoken, and both our hearts had been broken.

I don't even think he wants to see me again. I can't blame him though. After what I did, I wouldn't want to see me again either. I didn't even deserve to have him as a friend, and it's surprising that he stuck with me for so long. Even when he got that record deal with his brothers, he still stayed with me unless he had to tour. I'd still be able to see him on a day-to-day basis. Now, the only way I can see his face or hear his voice is by turning on the TV or radio. It's just not the same anymore.

I miss being able to walk across the street to see his face.
I miss being able to call him at 2AM just to say hi.
I miss being able to laugh at his corny jokes.
I miss the way he'd hold me whenever I just needed to cry.
I miss the way he'd threaten every guy in school just to protect me.
But most of all, I miss the way he looked at me as if I was the only other person in the world.

I can't turn back the clock, but at least I'll have the memories to cherish forever.