Drop Dead, Jonas


Alyson's POV

I wanna get back
To the old days
When the phone would ring
And I knew it was you
I wanna talk back
And get yelled at
Fight for nothing
Like we used to
Oh, kiss me, like you mean it
Like you miss me
Cause I know that you do
I wanna get back
Get back
With you

Watching Demi Lovato sing her first single on stage hit a sore spot. This song reminded me so much of my relationship with Joe - minus the kissing, of course. It hurt like hell, especially since it was my fault that the two of us drifted apart. I just realized it when it was too late.

Joe was one of six people that warned me about Alex.

Five of them were like my brothers (one of them actually was my brother), so it was to be expected from them. Joe was the odd one out, in a way. He was just the best friend I've had since pre-school. I expected him to just support me with whatever path I chose to take.

Unfortunately, Alex was somebody he refused to support.

That pissed me off to no ends back then. But now, I wish I listened to him because he was 100% right.

He never got to say, "I told you so."

Why? I pushed him away before he even had the chance, and I wish I hadn't.

It hurts even more to know that I pushed away the one person I was ever truly in love with because I was scared to admit the feelings were there. Hell, I wasn't just scared - I was fucking terrified.

You're not supposed to fall in love with your best friend.

It only works in the movies.

My relationship with Joe proves it, as much as I wish it didn't.