Status: Active, thanks to Bandit. Say thanks to her everyone.

The Dragonfly


“Sweetie, vampires were born to break the rules.”

Right.” I said sarcastically. Billions of thoughts were running through my head, all flying around like a flock of frenzied birds trying to get out of a steel cage. Why was I talking to this vampire? How did I even know he was a vampire? I just assumed he was, but assuming doesn’t make it correct.
And why was he wearing those god-awful clothes? He looked like some emo kid; black hair swept to the side, covering his face, skinny jeans, the original hoodie.

“Are you hurt?” he asked. Aren’t vampires supposed to like want to drink blood? Like the last vampire that he had to kill? Aren’t they supposed to have untamable bloodlust? I should insult his non-vampirism.

“No. I’m fine.” I stared down at my feet.
Isn’t that like what I do? I make everyone feel awkward, I make everyone uncomfortable, I make everyone’s life hell when they’re around me! Something about him was…arggg! Why couldn’t I think properly? What, what…why-

“Pete is she okay?”

“What’s happening?” I groaned. The cold asphalt collided with my cheek. Something picked me up; it was even colder than the ground I fell on.

“The Dandies-“

”The what?”

“Pete she’s passing out!”

“No shit!”

”Who the crap is Pete?”

“Get her to the warehouse!”

”What is happening to me?”

When I woke up everything was hazy, like a fog was covering my eyes. I was on a bed in a plain room. White walls, white sheets, a simple wooden chair…definitely not what I was used to. My head was throbbing non-stop and my throat felt dry.
I tried to remember what happened last night, if it was even last night. I could have been out for a couple days.
I remembered the vampire that killed the round Gregory Thompson; I wonder if anyone had found him yet? What would they think? His head was disconnected from his body, probably tons of bite marks on his arms. Would people think I did it? Probably. I was their modern day vampire.
I remembered that the same vampire was going to drink my blood, but I felt so safe when he was holding on to me. That isn’t weird is it? No, not weird at all.
The memory of the people that “saved” me was still kind of hazy. When they were rescuing me it was probably the time that I was beginning to pass out. I was probably in there hideout/warehouse/wherever now.

My stomach grumbled; I hope that they’re generous and give me some damn food.

I decided to go and look for the kitchen or wherever they stored their food. When I stood up my head started spinning uncontrollably; I plopped right back down on the bed. My head kept spinning and I could tell it wasn’t stopping any time soon.

“My head…” I grumbled and at that very second something burst through the door. It was a man. He was round, hints of stubble around his chin, his glasses were askew a tad bit on his nose, a quirky little smile. He wasn’t at all repulsive like Gregory.

“Are you ok?” he asked hopefully. I stared at him for a bit and decided that I liked him. As a friend I mean. He came when I needed help, “Do you need an aspirin or something?” he asked another question without letting me answer the first one, “I can get one for you, you know.”

“I think I need an aspirin, thank you.” I said. He was being like a father I never had. Sweet and caring, asking if he could do anything to make me feel better.

“Ok. I can get that!” he said giddily and lurched off the side of the bed he was resting his hand on to get the aspirin I asked for. When his body was entirely out of sight someone else walked through the door. It was the emo guy I remembered as a vampire.

“When a vampire is ripping your date’s head off the most common reaction humans have is getting out of the car and running away as fast as they can.” he grumbled, “You didn’t do that. And on top of everything I think you even smiled as the vampire was going to suck your blood.”

“So does what does that make me?” I questioned.

“Someone who’s damn weird.” he glared at me. I couldn’t help but laugh at him. He was sounding so much like me you have to admit. He looked at me funny and bared his fangs at me menacingly as in to say, ”Don’t laugh at me, I’m a vampire.”

“You think that scares me?” I questioned while trying to keep my laughter inside. His fangs were still bared at me.

“Pete! What are you doing? You’re going to scare her!” the pudgy man yelled while running through the door. He looked positively mortified.

“We were just playing.” I said. The pudgy guys face looked flabbergasted and the vampire who’s name is Pete’s just looked amused. I think he even had a small smirk just dying to burst into a full smile.

“Yeah Patrick, she’s fine. We were just playing.” Pete smiled at me, and for some unexplainable reason, my heart skipped a beat. But I guess he heard it because he frowned almost instantly after it happened. He left the room with one quick stride.

“I-I got your aspirin.” Patrick stuttered while holding out the small bottle full of aspirin and a glass of water.

“Thank you.” I grabbed it out of his hands. The water felt good as it descended down my throat, “Do you have anything to eat? I’m starving.”

“Yes…yes we do.” he said. Patrick held out his hand for me to take, I felt slightly uncomfortable about actually taking it but I did nonetheless. I would need help getting to wherever the food is. He led me through the out the door and into the hallway. It was a fairly long one but what was interesting was what was on the walls. They were old newspaper clips, all about mostly the same topic.


“Why are you living with a vampire who kills other vampires?” I asked him randomly.

“Well, we’re vampire hunters. We hunt them because the less there are, less people will die from them; and Pete wants his revenge.”

“On who?”

“The Dandies…well, mostly their leader William Beckett, he’s the one that turned Pete and all his friends.” Patrick said like it wasn’t a big deal. Why did the name William Beckett sound so familiar?

“So the Dandies are some vampire clan?” I questioned my new found friend.

“Not just any vampire clan! They’re the most powerful vampire clan that ever existed!” Patrick stared at me, “Oh sorry. I forgot you were new to this whole vampire thing.”

“It’s ok.” I tried smiling warmly at him, which was a tad difficult because I’ve never really smiled around anyone. But I guess it was convincing enough because he blushed, “How long have I been out?”

“A couple days.” he answered quickly, “We still don’t really know how you did in the first place though.”

“Was it a Dandy vampire that attacked me?”

“No. It was a Hood vampire.”


“Yeah like you know, in the hood.” Patrick tried to act all ghetto. I laughed at his sorry at attempt. When we got out of the hallway I was greeted with two more guys with smiling faces and the back of Pete’s head, “There is the living room,” he pointed to the right, “and there is the kitchen.” he pointed to his left, “And these two are Joe and Andy.”

“Hi!” they both said in unison.

“We have pizza!” the guy who I think who was Andy said excitedly. He had an afro and many tattoos.

I can’t remember the last time I had pizza, and I can’t remember when someone actually cared about me.
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I'm back and updating.
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