The New Girl

'Cassie stepped out of the car nervously. Now that she knew why she was recognised from the moment she stepped out of the car on that first, day, of course she was nervous. She hated her father, but that didn’t stop the prejudices from coming from both the students and the teachers. They often thought she and her mother hid him from the police- in actual fact it was his huge gang.

Her mother gave her an encouraging smile when she turned her head back, and drove away. Feeling sick in the pit of her stomach, she tried her best to look inconspicuous in the crowd of students.

A lot of whispering came her way. She wondered who- or what- they were whispering at.
“Hey, isn’t that Max North’s daughter?” a boy called out, with red hair and heaps of freckles.'

Cassie North’s solo Mum always needs to move. Because her Dad is a bad criminal man, and, as always, when she stays too long in one area, people recognise her. But when they move to Pa Iti, a small rural town in the middle of nowhere, the new girl meets some forgiving fiends she will never forget … But when circumstances turn into a whirl of colour around her, can she take hold of her destiny, or will she need to fly away again with her afraid mother?
  1. Chapter 1
    Cassie finds out she's moving to Pa Iti