Two Separate Worlds

Two separate worlds begin at school.

Eileen Jaspica Southern's my name. Labeled as the 'ghetto' or the 'gangster.' Which ever you prefer. I liked music, well my kind. I hated emo's, preps, sluts, whores, or whatever. I felt as if I could beat them anytime, anywhere, which I could. Anger issues were a problem for me.

That's me.

Jacob Shadows. Okay, so I get stereotyped at an 'emo,' but I sure as hell don't fucking cut myself or shit like that. It's how I dress and who I hang out with. So, I dress in dark clothes and listen to rock, etc. What so wrong with that?

Okay, so yeah... That's me...

!Disclaimer! So, me and Laraa, Leezy, don't own the famous one. Don't fucking mess with us. Yeah, so we all know the usual drill. So, we all know that we don't own them. Get that through your head.

©Leezy&Fay-yay Enterprises; May 2009
If stolen, Faye will suck your BLOOD!