Love Complications

Back to America.

God, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. Shouldn’t I be arguing with Mom and Dad or something? Cause this is really not me, on the plane, accepting the fact that I was moving countries. Agh, just the thought of it makes me want to be sick on everyone.

You’re probably wondering why I’m so mad and complaining a lot and stuff... Well, this is all because of my parents. It’s all their fault. Just because they got a ‘better’ job in America, doesn’t mean we all have to move.

Sure, America was my birth place, but my life’s just settled in England and now I have to move again. As well as my parents being all happy about moving, my own brother decides to be excited as well.

I sighed and got up from my plane seat. I murmured, “Excuse me,” to the old lady sitting next to me and started to walk slowly, taking my time, over to the plane toilets.

As I walked down the narrow aisle, this flight attendant blocked my way with her food cart which took all the space in the small aisle. I sighed again and moved to the side. However, the plane hits turbulence and the flight attendant suddenly barged into me, causing all the food on her cart to splat all over me. I groaned, loud enough for everyone in the plane to hear, as if I didn’t have enough stares already. This day just keeps getting worse and worse.

The flight attendant, with her purple hat and her too much make-up, gasped and then started to mop the plane floor. Yeah, don’t bother with the person you hit! The floor’s obviously more important!

“Oh, God,” she muttered. Then she looked up at me with a sympathetic look and then said, “Sorry, kid.”

Yeah, kid. I can’t believe she called me that. I don’t even look like one. I’m fifteen for God’s sake. I pushed my way past her and deliberately stepped on the food on the floor and started to leave trails of mush wherever I went. I smiled.

I walked over to the toilets, opened the door to one of the purple cubicles, and locked it behind me. I turned on the tap, ready to clean myself – like that would do much help – when suddenly, the tap sprayed me with water. On my face actually, and my hair.

I actually screamed in annoyance then.

I stomped out of the cubicle and back to where my seat was. Whispers came from everywhere, along with giggling and I could feel a lot of faces staring at me. I sighed and then turned around. I saw Mom, Dad and Kent staring at me like I was crazy, with each of their eyebrows raised.

I quickly looked away. “Do any of you all know the definition of the word rude? Because I guess not!” I snapped at them, and the flight attendants got a little scared. Good for them.

I reached for my messenger bag which had extra clothing in them in case accidents like this happened, and I snatched the first top, jeans, bra and socks I could find. I started to make my way back to the toilets. I would have to try and clean myself, I guess.

I shut the door to the cubicle a little too loudly and then put the set of clothes I had on the edge of the sink and then quickly undressed. I dressed into my new fresh clothes then turned my dirty shirt inside out so I could use it a towel and try to dry my hair. I combed through it with my hand and took my dirty clothes with me. I unlocked the door, stepped out and I glanced at myself in the large mirrors. I kept on looking down as I walked swiftly back to my seat.

The old lady next to me automatically stood up and made space for me to sit down. I smiled at her, trying to tell her that I wasn’t that scary. I sighed and looked out of the window. It was only about eight o’clock in the morning. Mom, Dad, Kent and I had set off in the plane at about five o’clock. I was sure, for definite, that nothing bad could happen to me now that I was safely sitting down.


“Oh my God, Jenna! Do you always sleep like this?!”

My eyes blinked slowly open. I blinked again, harder this time and saw Kent’s angry face just a couple of inches away from mine. He looked pretty... mad.


He groaned and just got up. “I was about to leave you in the plane. Good thing waking up saved you,” he muttered, probably thinking that I couldn’t hear. I stuck my tongue out at him when he wasn’t looking.

I stretched and got up, getting my messenger bag and then trailing after Kent.

So, this was America then. I really regret accepting the fact that we had to move. Now it’s all new country, new house, new neighborhood, new school – which I was honestly dreading – and if I find any, new friends.

Mom, Dad, Kent and I stepped out of the plane after the flight attendant, who was actually the one who got food all over me, hoped that we had a “lovely flight”. Yes, of course, I had the best flight ever...!

We went over to the place in the airport where they kept all the luggage spinning around in one of those things, which I call a roundabout, cause if you think it about, it is kind of like a roundabout.

After Kent and Dad grabbed all the heavy bags, and Mom and I just got the mini ones, we finally set off to find a taxi. This really was going to be a long trip.

We waited for a couple of minutes – there was a long line of taxis, and a long line of impatient people. We just kind of stood there until a taxi was willing to drive us to somewhere.

Kent and I didn’t even know where our new home was let alone which school we were going to. Mom and Dad wouldn’t tell us for some reason. Kept on saying, “It’s a surprise.” Yeah, and I thought surprises were nice.

About ten minutes later of being bored, and staring at people passing by, we finally arrived. At our new house. In the new neighborhood. I just couldn’t stop thinking about that. I couldn’t care less where we were in this situation.

Dad thanked the old cab driver and paid him. We all grabbed our bags again, Kent trying to act all strong and cool, even though you could clearly see the this-is-friggin’-heavy! look on his face.

We all stepped out of the car and I nearly dropped the bags when I saw our house. We were right in front of it, so it was a pretty good view in my opinion.

The walls were all painted a nice cream, and the roof was a kind of orangey red colour. It was like it was built especially for us, the plain old Burton family. There were steps leading up to the patio in front of the house. The pillars there were a little darker than the cream, but the shadows covered the nice colors. There were pots of plants hanging at either side of the brown wooden door.

Everyone else admired our new house, too, including Mom and Dad though I was confused as to why. Obviously, they’ve seen the house before. Because you have to see the place you’re going to buy when you’re moving houses. Though, they are probably just shocked cause they’ve seen actual house. In real life, not in pictures.

I actually wanted to stay and live here then, in America. Just for one second. One very short second...
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New story, first chapter. [:

This is actually mine and one of my best friend's stories. It's gonna get real interesting soon... So, please keep reading it! =D