This Child

The Story

The dream came to her again as she slept. It always started the same with that song her mother sung to her when she was a child. Tears swelled in her eyes she knew what would come next. A happy nine year old child came up to her. A pink dress with white lace and white dress shoes. Blond hair and blue eyes, rosie cheeks and a dazzling smile, that melted her heart and with it a deep pain. She waved from the field of grass and yellow daisies. As always she came and sat on the ground next to the happy girl.

"Welcome back mommy" said the little girl who named herself Amaya.

She smiled and her heart grew heavier.

"Thank-you Amaya." She said with a heavy heart.

"Mommy, how come I'm not alive?" Amaya asked with sweet, strong eyes blazing with innocence.

She held back a deep sob in her stomach.

"Because mommy made a mistake." She replied.

"What kind of mistake mommy?" Amaya asked.

She sobbed in her chest feeling the urge to let it out but she suppressed it.

"I thought I couldn't have you at the time. My life was so messed up I was just a kid myself only 16." She replied.

"So I was the mis-take, mommy." Amaya asked.

"That's what I thought." She said and paused a second. "Only to find out... I made the mis-take and it wasn't you..." She said starting to sob no longer able to hold the sobs swelling in her chest.

"Mommy why are you crying?" Amaya asked.

"I killed you, I killed you, I killed you." She cried and cried.

Just like the dream faded and she woke with a start. Sweat and tears soaked her and her bed and as always the feeling of loneliness.

"Why? Why did I make that decision to kill my child?" She asked herself.
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This story is a stand against abortion. Abortion is wrong and not okay. It's not a decision of a women's body it's the keeping of life. If a child can't be handled there is other means, not death. No one ever tells you that the mother suffers horribly for years and years after words and is never whole again.(Baised upon the people I know who have had them and the re-search I have done.) Nor, dose anyone tell you that the baby is sucked into pieces and than sucked out of the mother. There are un-fortunately many ways to kill a child, but only one way to have it. Please only state your opinion of the story and not the topic in the comments. Thank-you very much.