This Child

Telling Him

She shook with shock and so many thoughts raced through her mind all at once. She was suppose to see Vipper later on. How would he re-act? What about my scholarship? What about my future? This child can't be my future... She sank down to the floor depressed...

"Morana? Are you okay in there?" Vinnie asked from the door.

"I'm fine, I think..." Morana repiled.

"I'm coming in." Vinnie repiled.

Morana did nothing to stop her and she came in. Morana was tough and held back the tears that she felt bridge on eyes. This wasn't fair. I have plans, a life I need to live. Vinnie hugged her tightly and with her other hand picked up the pregancy test. With that she hugged her tighter.

"What are you going to do?" Vinnie asked her.

"I don't know yet... I have to tell Vipper." Morana said with a heavy voice.

"Are you going to met him later?" Vinnie asked.


Morana pulled her truck into a parking spot her mind still heavy. What words could she use to tell Vipper she was pregnate. She worried how he would re-act. Would he hate her? Hate her for having this thing inside of her and what that meant? She sighed and open the door and got out slamming the door behind her.

She looked around for Vipper he saw her and waved her over. Despite herself she smiled, happy to see him. She walked quickly to him and his group of friends.

"Hey, gald you made it. You're late though." Vipper said.

"Yea, sorry, I was making gingerbread with Vinnie." Morana repiled.

"No porblem. So, we were talking about going to a senior party tonight. Wanna come?" Vipper asked.

"I better not, you know exams coming up..." Morana repiled.

"Come it will be fun. We'll party, drink, and you know just have a blast. Besides you study too much anyway." Vipper repiled.

"Can I talk to you alone Vip?" Morana asked his friends sinckered.

"Sure." Vipper said and they walked away from the group.

"Vip, I don't know how to say this, but... Here it is I'm pergenate." Morana said and her words seem to hang in the air.

"Really?" Vipper asked with a hint of questioning.

"Really, really. I'm not joking with you." Morana said.

"But were just kids!" Vipper exclaimed. Morana flichned fearing the onslaught of ranting.

"I know" Morana repiled clamly.

Morana flinched thinking of how bad she had messed up. Why had she forget the stupid date for her brith control?

"Well, what are we going to do, Morana?" Vipper asked.

"I don't know what to do..." Morana said truthfully.

Vipper was quite thinking.

"Do you want this child?" Vipper asked.

"I don't know, I just want to go to collage is all, Vip." Morana repiled.

"We have to tell our parents... What do you think they will do?" Vipper asked Morana flinched.

"I don't think my mom and dad would even think I'm having sex." Morana repiled.

"Mine too. Still I think we have to tell them." Vipper said.

"Fine... We'll tell our parents and see how they take it, but maybe we should say it more as a possible thing and not as something that has had happened." Morana said.

"Yea, good idea." Repiled Vipper.
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Okay so I started writing this story inteding for it only to the 1st chapeter yet here we
I started writing this story to take a stand against abortion. I have been watching videos on youtube lately that have moved me even more against this subject. I know this is a hot topic and I don't want comments that argue or from people aiming to de-bate this is my stand and I'm not going to change my mind. The one "procudre" that is new is called prartial brith abortion. This is a "process" in which, they induce the mother into labor and allow the child to be born and I do mean born up to the head. At this point the abortionist then server the link between the spianal cord and brian (This is located on the neck) thus killing the child. However, if this dosen't kill the child then the abortinist takes a hose/vaccum and sucks the child brians out. This "procudre" can take place at any stage in pregancy, even at nine months. Now how can any person in their right mind think this is not killing? If your against it you can so and if your for it go ahead and say so. I'm not going to argue or debate and nethier do I want argue/debating comments. Just say for or against and why. Were not here to judge only to take a stand.