Sequel: Suga Babies
Status: Our baby's grown up... :(

The Red Hot Tamales

I'll Be Your Cryin' Shoulder


Copper rented a hotel room for us for the next week. She KNOWS I hate it when she spends money like that on me. And she MADE me stay with her by that goddamn pout of hers. She knows I hate it when she does that. Because I can't say no to those eyes.

We were at my house, packing my stuff for the next week! I sat back on my bed and watched as she did all the work. I wondered if she noticed that I wasn't doing a damn thing. But I have to admit, her OCD-ness keeps my room clean. Sorta.

But about halfway through our (her) packing, good ol' Mom and Dad started screaming at one another about Mom's drinking, Dad's job, my grades and the rent that we couldn't make yet again.

"Oh, there they go. I'm definitely home." I muttered under my breath.

"I'll try and hurry, Todd." Copper said, not remembering that Mom and Dad always fight.

"No use, they don't care if I leave or not when they're like this." I said to her. She looked up from my dresser drawer and those brown eyes stared at me.

"What?" I asked. She sat down on the bed beside me and took my hand.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"My mom, she drinks."


"She's a drunk, actually. And Dad, he's a workaholic but not because he chooses to. My family, we're really poor, Copper. Not like your family at all. You can buy whatever you want and spend a week at a really expensive hotel. We're always counting change for dinner and wondering if we'll be without a home. It's just how I live my life." I said to her. I didn't want her to feel bad but people don't understand it unless I make them.

"Oh." her voice was small.

"It's not like I'm not used to it." I said and got up to continue packing.

"Todd...." she trailed off but there was something in the way she said my name that made me think she was trying to say something without saying it.

"Come on, Copper. Let's get out of here." I said as Ardith's music turned on and shook the house again.

I got up and opened my door, strolled the three feet to Ardith's door and swung it open. Ardith looked up, scared.

"What're you doing, Todd? Get out of my room!" she tried to hide the fear and tears in her eyes. I sat on her bed, turned down her stereo and sighed.

"Ardy, I know you're scared. I was too. But you know Mom and Dad love each other and they love you. And they'd never hurt you. Right?"

"Yeah." she sniffled. I had to keep reminding myself that Ardith was only 12 and that she's just as scared as I am. I hugged her and she buried her head in my shoulder. I heard Copper come in and lean against the closet door. Ardith's room was just as small as mine. I looked at my sister, her light brown hair and soft pre-teen skin reminded me of how I used to be. I reminded myself that she and I aren't that different. She pulled out of the embrace.

"Hey Ardith, don't worry about the 'rents downstairs. They'll stay downstairs and eventually they'll either make up or get too tired to fight. I suggest that if you hear them going at it, use your headphones."

She chuckled.

"Yeah, I know."

"Now, it's a school night. Is your homework done?" I asked her.

"Yes, Dad." she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Just checking. You know I worry about you."

"I know, you're just acting like a big brother."

"Good. Copper and I are going to stay at a hotel for a few days. But I'll call and give you our room number if you need anything. And I mean, anything. Like if they get to be too much, you can stay with me. Got it?"

"Yeah. Thanks." she said sheepishly. I kissed her forehead.

"Okay. Copper? Let's go." I turned towards Copper who looked confused. She left and I followed. I stopped in the doorway, turning back towards Ardith.

"I love you, Ardy."

"I love you too, Toddie."

I smiled and followed after Copper to grab my stuff. We trudged past my parents' screaming forms in the living room and into the front yard to her car.

I dropped my stuff in the trunk next to hers and we raced out of my bad neighborhood into better and better ones until we reached the Beverly Hills Hotel. She checked us in and we rode the elevator up to our rooms.

"Enjoy, I have to shower." Copper said and she flitted into her own room. I stepped into my bedroom and gasped.

"Goddamn it, Copper." I groaned but lay down, kicked my shoes off, balanced my glasses on the stand beside me and fell asleep in the comfy bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, here it is...
yeppers, here it is.
okay.. gotta go..

Tyanne: your turn :D

Yours In The Pursuit of Purpose,