Sequel: Suga Babies
Status: Our baby's grown up... :(

The Red Hot Tamales

I Will Cry For You

I told Todd that I loved him the other night. He ran from the hotel. I haven't heard from him since. At first I thought he just needed time to process this information. Now it's monday and I am standing in the hallways at school. Shocked. There pressed up against the lockers was Todd and Dehlia. And they were making out. I couldn't tell where one body ended and the other started. My friend Maria tugged on my arm.

"You okay Cop?" She looked at me concerned. Then she followed my line of sight.

"Oh! Umm... wow." She looked back at me. Then it dawned on her.

"You really like him don't you?" All I could do was nod because at the moment I was lost for words.

"Come on Cop, put on a fake smile and act like your happy even though it hurts you inside everytime you see them together." I wonder who she secretly loves. I did what she said. I made myself the ice queen. I walked right past them. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Todd look at me, before he hastily re-glued his face to Dehlia's. It almost looked like he was hiding. Interesting.


It has been a week since I told Todd I loved him. I am pissed at Todd. He could have told me that he didn't feel that way about me. But no, he had to leave me all alone in the hotel and then go ask Dehlia out. Don't get me wrong, they make a very cute couple, but it hurt everytime I see them together. I had told Maria everything, and now she has this sort of bitterness towards Todd. I told her not too, but that would be like telling rain not to fall. Todd and I don't hang out anymore. Everytime I try to ask if he wants to hang, he is always to "busy".

I am sitting at my new desk, trying to do my homework. I did a room make over. I needed something to distract me from thinking about Todd. And I needed a change of scenery because the old room held to many memories of me being hurt. My mom popped her head in the room.

"Honey, your friend is here." Mom and Dad finally got back. They have been here for about four days, and they are already packing. I didn't expect them to stay long, but I still felt a little hurt. I mean I almost died. Maria walked into my room and plopped herself down on my bed.

"Hey Cop, what's up?"

"Homework. Whats up with you?" She popped up and grinned. Oh, she had some juicy gossip.

"Well I heard that Angela Crooshanks is pregnant." She said.

"Oh My God. They finally did the deeds and Devon is a father!"

"Nope, they never sealed the deal. It's not his." Angela and Devon have been dating for months now. They didn't want to do anything because they wanted to wait. Her idea not his. Seems like she wasn't waiting for him anymore.

"Oh Wow." Thats all I could think of. She grinned.

"I know. Well I have to go, promised mom I would watch Lea for her tonight. Have fun doing homework." She grinned evily as she got up.

"Alright, you have fun babysitting." I grinned back. We giggled and she gave me the peace sign before leaving. I went back to do my homework, but all I could think of was Todd. I wonder what he is doing now.
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*writing ninja fiends falls into a heap on keyboard.*

Kayt: your turn.