Sequel: Suga Babies
Status: Our baby's grown up... :(

The Red Hot Tamales

Love Me, That's All I Ask Of You


I ran down the street to Copper's house. It seemed to take forever, like I was running in slow motion or through water. I passed houses so elegant, my house looked like a dump. Of course, my house is filled with vodka and tequila bottles, my dad's work things and everything that has accumulated over Mom and Dad's marriage. These places, the houses I passed more than likely had maids and people to take care of the home while the Mommy's and Daddy's are out playing. Finally, I reached the Ludlow residence. I saw Copper's bedroom light on and slowed down, knowing Copper was home.

I may not have the softest touch
I may not say the words as such
And though I may not look like much
I'm yours

I sighed. Appropriate. I was kinda harsh to Copper lately.

And my edges may be rough.
I never feel I'm quite enough.
It might not seem like much.
But I'm yours

I never quite thought I would ever be what Copper needed. Because I'm the poorest guy she knows, the only one that she HAS to pay for.

Copper and I. We come from two different worlds. We just don't fit.

But I gotta try. Because I love Copper.

I walked up the walkway to the front door and let myself in. I was suddenly attacked by something small and furry. I flipped the front hall light on and discovered my attacker to be a bouncing puppy. The collie let me pick it up and look at the dog tag on it's collar, all-the-while licking my face.

"Hi Angel. You're cute. Is Copper here?" I asked her and set her down. She raced away, her nails scratching against the Ludlow's marble floor. I chuckled as I climbed the stairs to Copper's second floor. I wandered down the hall to Copper's illuminated doorframe. I knocked and pushed the door open. I looked around, confused momentarily.

"Copper!" I called. My voice echoed through the house. The vacant house.

Copper wasn't home.

Where could she be?


The houses started to look familiar as I got closer and closer to Todd's house. I finally stood outside the all to familiar two story house. I could hear Ardy's music from three houses down, so I knew that someone was home. I looked through the slit in the curtains and could see Mr. and Mrs. Sherman fighting. Now I understood why Ardy blasted her music so loud, besides the fact that she was a young teenage girl. It was so the neighbors wouldn't hear the Shermans arguing. I walked up the steps towards the door and looked up to see Ardy in the window. I waved at her. She waved back before disappearing. The curtains fluttered back into place. A minute later the door opened and then closed behind Ardy. She ran up to me and threw her arms around me. I hugged her back.

"Hey hun. Missed you. How have you been." I asked her, still in her embrace. She clung to me like I was the only thing keeping her here.

"Terrible. Mom and dad have been fighting non-stop ever since Todd ran away from home." Todd still wasn't home? I pulled away from Ardy.

"Todd still isn't home?" Tears filled her eyes and I felt sorry for her. She had to go through all of this alone.

"Tell you what Ardy, you grab some of your things and head over to my house. You could stay there for the weekend, or as long as you want. I have a new puppy who would love some attention from you." Her eyes lit up.

"Really?" She reminded me of a little kid in a candy shop. I nodded.

"Of course, just head over when you get you're things. I have to find Todd. Just let yourself in. Door is unlocked." She smiled at me before rushing back into the house. I smiled and took off back down the street. I think I know where Todd is.


I walked home, defeated and let down. But as I was passing the street on which me and Copper's safe haven, the garden behind the spa. If Copper was anywhere, it'd be there. I walked down the road, in the middle of the road, weaving back and forth tiredly. I finally made it, pushing the fence aside and slipping inside. I followed the path past the pond and flowers and my heart literally sank in my chest when I reached the willow and found nothing at all. No Copper and no trace of her either.

I should know her well enough to know where she is. I mean, when we just friends, she was either at home, with me or here. But now, I don't know where she was. Or where she is. Or anything. I'm such a stupid fucking idiot! I kicked the the trunk of the willow but immediately regretted it.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said to the plant. I touched the rough bark and turned around, leaning against the old willow. And she was old. She's been here since before the spa. The spa owners loved the serenity she brought the garden and they couldn't bare to tear her down. I'm glad because this old willow is the best memory I have.

I slid down her trunk and just leaned against her.

"Oh, Mother Willow." I grumbled. I chuckled.

"Listen to me, I'm talking to a tree. What the hell? I'm severely losing it. Like, really losing it. I need therapy. Or bubble wrap. Bubble wrap sounds cheaper." I mumbled to myself. I carelessly hit my head against Willow and groaned.

"Okay, don't do that. That hurts." I chided myself. And I seriously thought about telling myself to shut up and to shove it up my ass. But I refrained. Because there was a mother present. Mother Willow, that is.

"Wow, I'm a dork." I said.

"Yeah, you are." someone said other than me. I turned and my face broke out in a large grin when I saw Copper standing there. I pulled myself off the ground and stepped out farther. She ran to me and I hugged her, glad to have my Copper back and this time... this time I wasn't going to mess it up.


"Wow, I'm a dork." Todd said to himself.

"Yeah, you are." I said. I had somehow walked up without hearing me. He looked up at me and his face broke into a giant grin. He got up and I ran into his arms. It felt so right being there. I didn't want to leave his arms.

"Oh Todd. I have missed you so much!" I whispered into his chest.

"I have missed you too Copper." He said. I was still wrapped in his arms. I breathed in his scent and he smelled of Axe Dark Temptation with a mixture of... mango mandarin? Dehlia. I pulled away from Todd suddenly.

"You smell like Dehlia." I said, looking at the ground. I don't know why, but suddenly I felt awkward, even ashamed. I am not sure why. I heard him sigh.

"Well she is my girlfriend Copper. I am supposed to smell somewhat like her." For some reason, not sure why, but that just pissed me off.

"Yeah. Your girlfriend that attacks me because you kissed me!" I snapped at him. He rolled his eyes which seemed to enrage me anymore.

"Well you're the one who has to mess with my mind!" He countered. I messed with his mind?!? Oh boy, he was in for it.

"I messed with your mind? This coming from the guy who runs away when someone who tells him that she loves him, then dates some other girl. Then while dating this other girl, KISSES the first girl. Then has to throw it into her face that he should smell like HIS girlfriend. Yes Todd, I am so messing with you're mind right now, and you don't even know it. I just ninja-ed you're brain and left a time bomb in there that will blow up in a couple of hours while you are pacing in you're basement." Yes, I had to use the Dane Cook remark. I even did the female ninja stance that Dane Cook so lovingly demonstrated. Todd just stood there staring at me with his jaw dropped open.


I stared at Copper standing there in the Dane Cook ninja pose and tried not to laugh at how ridiculous she was being. I knew she'd kick the living hell out of me if I laughed so I just stood there.

"And furthermore! You really messed with my mind wh-" she started in again but I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me.

"Will you shut up for one second?" I asked softly.

"Why? Why should I stop to listen to YOU?" she said. I kissed her, holding her in my arms for a second time.

"You should stop to listen to me because I was going to tell you that I love you, you idiot. But if you and your ninja-ness are going to keep ranting on and on about how much of a stupid male I am, then I'm going to James' party." I said to her. She stared at me.


"I said, I'm going to James' party."

"No. Before that."

"I'm a stupid male."

I knew what she wanted to hear. But I was gonna make her work for it.

"Todd. Before that."

"OH! You're a ninja."

"Stop it! Before that."

"Gotcha." I chuckled and kissed her again. She leaned into me.

"Tell me what you said, Todd Oliver Sherman!"

"I love you, Cooper Olivia Ludlow."


"You should stop to listen to me because I was going to tell you that I love you, you idiot. But if you and your ninja-ness are going to keep ranting on and on about how much of a stupid male I am, then I'm going to James' party." He said to me. I stared at him... dumbfounded.

"What?" I stammered.

"I said, I'm going to James' party."

"No. Before that."

"I'm a stupid male."

Damn him! Was he toying with me again?

"Todd. Before that."

"OH! You're a ninja."

"Stop it! Before that."

"Gotcha." He chuckled and kissed me again. I leaned into him.

"Tell me what you said, Todd Oliver Sherman!" I demanded.

"I love you, Cooper Olivia Ludlow." I smiled as he said it again. Hearing those words filled with me with so much joy. I was still smiling as he kissed me again. I leaned into him and kissed him back. I pulled away to look up at him.

"I love you too, Todd Oliver Sherman." He smiled as I said it. I smiled and lifted up on my tippy toes and kissed him on the mouth. He kissed me back. And I felt so happy wrapped in his arms, standing in our secret place under the willow tree, and kissing Todd. This is where I wanted to be for the rest of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...... here's the last chapter...
or isssss it?
So both me and Tyanne wrote this via email
so Yahoo, THANK YOU!
And thanks for all you commenters....
chapter title credit goes to Phantom Of The Opera...
and yeah....
stay tuned...
we've got something SPECIAL for you readers

Yours In The Pursuit of Purpose,