Sequel: Suga Babies
Status: Our baby's grown up... :(

The Red Hot Tamales

I'll Be Seeing You


Mom's screaming about something.... I can't tell what but she's slurring horribly. I sighed and tried to get her to calm down. But she wouldn't listen.

Copper ran in and I cursed silently. I hated that she had to see my mom like this. Her parents are rich, like filthy rich. Which means so is she. And she's always buying me these expensive presents and paying for everything. I hate it. I know that my mom and dad aren't all that wealthy. I know that I'm below the poverty level. With our cramped three bedroom house, Mom's alcoholism and Dad's three jobs, I've grown used to it.

But coming home after being in Copper's huge mansion-like house, it makes me feel insignificant. And my mom's drinking doesn't help.

Copper walked over and stood in front of Mom.

Was that a bruise? On her face? No way! Not my Copper. It couldn't be her father or mother, they were never home to do anything close to that violent to her. Even if they were, who'd want to hurt Copper? I mean, she's perfect. Who could do something like that to her?

"Mrs. Sherman? Mrs. Sherman its me, Cooper. Are you alright Mrs. Sherman?" she asked, making my mom's hollering come to an abrupt end when she saw who it was. Mom loved Copper, with good reason. I don't blame her. She started smiling, a wide, goofy, very drunk smile.

"Coooooper!!! How nice it ish to shee you." Her slur, god! Why did she have to drink so much? She was swaying back and forth before she fell to one side and let out one of my oh so favorite snores. Yep, she's old cold.

"Thank you Copper... and I'm sorry you had to see that. Can you help me get her upstairs?" I couldn't look at her. I took one of her arms and she took the other and together we lugged my mother upstairs to the bed her and dad share. I lay her down and tucked her in. She was my mom when she was passed out. It was hard to tell if she'd ever be sober for longer than a hour or two. Although the longest she's been in AA was about three weeks.

“I've gotta go...” Copper turned and started to leave. She was halfway to the door when I realized what was going on. I ran after her and caught her arm as she stepped off the last step.

“What?” she snapped. I frowned but didn't let go.

“I want to talk to you.” I said softly.

“Fine.” she grumbled and we trudged back up the stairs to my dirty, too small room. It's seriously about the size of a closet. You can't see the walls because I covered them with posters and such. If I didn't, you'd see the off-white, moldy walls that I've also grown used to.

She already started to clean. Seriously, Overly Clean Dorkiness over there can't walk into my house without flinching. Not that it's filthy, I've seen worse on Clean house. But we have so much crap that it's all jammed into corners and the dust piles up. I'm always sneezing because of the dust and my allergies. I sat on my bed and slid my glasses off to clean them because my mom lovingly spat on them earlier when I tried to take away her Vodka and coke. I flipped the stereo on and watched as Copper cleaned my room. Every time she comes over, this is what she does. I'd find in insulting if I knew she couldn't help herself.

“Copper.” I said.

She turned slightly, her eyes darting to me then away again. I ran my hand over my eyes and chin, noting that I forgot to shave. I'm not the most muscle-endowed guy in the sophomore class but for 15 years old, I have to shave already.

“What's up?” she asked, her voice little and I caught the slight hint of fright.

“I just wanted to talk. I mean, it's been a while since we sat down and talked.” I said to her. She raised an eyebrow.

“We talk everyday, Todd.”

“Sure, we talk about Macey's ridiculous high heels and Cobra Starship's new album and the insane teachers at school. But we don't talk about more important things.”

Just as she opened her mouth, my sister's music turned on and the house seemed to shake with the bass of the hip hop or rap. I stood up and pounded on the wall.

“ARDITH!” I yelled. Ardith is 12 and thinks she knows everything.

“WHAT?” she yelled.

“TURN THE MUSIC DOWN!” I replied. She turned it down briefly. Smart ass.

“God!” I groaned and flopped on the bed, defeated.

She sat next to me and ran her hands through my little-bit-too-long hair.

“Where'd it come from?” I asked. She looked startled.

“What?” she stuttered.

“The bruise.”

“No where. I fell.” she got up and ran.

Wow, she sucks at lying.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey, author #1 here....
got another chapter for ya.
hope you like it...
didn't have much to say.....
