Sequel: Suga Babies
Status: Our baby's grown up... :(

The Red Hot Tamales

I'll Never Leave You Alone


After calling Copper for what had to be the six or seventh time, I couldn't wait the fifteen minutes that I promised Copper. She's my best friend, you know? And Mike is one mean son of a bitch. I've never trusted the bastard as far as I can throw him, which isn't far by the way. I'm kinda weak, just so you know.

I whipped open the bathroom door and nearly stumbled over Mom's empty bottle, grumbling to myself. Mom's already passed out on the couch for all I know, not that I cared then. My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of what could be wrong with Copper.

I grabbed the keys to my goddamn mo-ped not for the first time today in the intent of checking on Copper. Pisses me off, that I have a wimpy mo-ped in the first place.

Because about seven months ago, for some friggin' reason, my tires on my old bike were stolen. Seriously, what the hell do you do with two worn out bike tires anyway? But Mom drank my allowance so I didn't have the money to buy new ones. And I think I've mentioned that Copper has this insane need to buy me things. Well, she bought me the mo-ped, which I didn't want but couldn't not take because it's Copper, I can't say no to those eyes.

I opened the front door and Mom apparently was not as unconscious as I thought.

“Todd? Is that you?” she wasn't slurring horribly, oddly.

“Yeah, Ma.”

“Where are you going at this time of night?”

“To Copper's.”

“Cooper can wait.”

“No, Ma. I don't think she can, not this time.” and with that, I hurried out, running towards my pitiful vehicle. Sure, Mom'll be pissed and Dad'll probably ground me when he gets home but it isn't like Copper to cry on my shoulder, to force me to leave then ignore my calls. I have to make sure she's okay. I'll never forgive myself if anything happens to Copper. If only I'd stayed, I'd know. I could've done something. Not run away like a fucking sissy.

God, I'm so stupid.

Pulling out front of the Ludlow was always a comfort, almost like knowing I'd be welcome. But not today. Something was wrong. It was in the air. Something was very wrong. It was almost ominous and tangible. I pressed the kickstand to the ground and let the motor-thing rest as I stared up at the house.

“Please, don't let her be hurt.” I muttered and raced to the door. It was locked, not normal when Copper is home. It made me think for a moment that the Ludlow's were home. But I quickly cast the silly hope aside, having known Mr. and Mrs. Ludlow my entire 15 years of life.

Reaching up, I ran my fingers across the eave, finding the spare key as easily as if it were my own. My hands shook with tremors while I pushed the key into the lock and turned the handle. The door sung open and revealed a quiet, dark cold entryway. I froze, my ears straining to hear something, anything. But I could only make out the fridge and the dryer running simultaneously.

It felt odd, the atmosphere was off and the air too quiet.

Not at all how I know Copper's home to be.

“Copper.” I yelled.

No response.

“COPPER!” I screamed.

My heart pounded in my chest as my feet pounded up the steps to the second floor landing.

Let her be okay.

She better be okay.

I'll kill Mike if she's not.

I stopped in front of Copper's bedroom door, my hand resting on the knob. My eyes traced the picture we'd printed out of the Fox and The Hound and pinned to the wood of her door. The cracks of her door let the light from her room stream into the hall.

“Copper!” I said loudly, hoping for response. But there came no reply. I tunred the knob and pushed the door open, it only stopped when it slammed into the wall.

That's when I saw Copper, crumpled on the floor. I don't care who says when something like this happens, that everything slows down. It does not. Everything is normal speed, except your heartbeat. That's sped up so fast, you're afraid that it'll beat it's way out of your chest.

“Oh my god! Copper!” I whimpered, falling next to her bloody, beaten form. I gathered her in my arms and reached for the phone.

“Come on, Cop. You can make it. You're the strongest person I know.” I begged, dialing 911.

“911. What's your emergency?”

“My friend, she's hurt.”

“Is she breathing?”

I checked, “Barely.”

“Where are you, son?”

I rattled off the Ludlow address and she let me go.

“God, Copper, what've we gotten ourselves into this time?”

It wasn't long before the paramedics showed up with a stretcher.

“Son, you have to let her go.” one of them said, resting a large manly hand on my shoulder. I let them ease her onto the stretched.

“Can you tell me her name?”

“Cop- Cooper. Cooper Ludlow.”

“And what's your name?”

“Todd Sherman.”

“Would you like to ride with her, Todd?” the other said. I nodded and followed them down the stairs to the ambulance. I sat next to Copper's unconscious body. I don't know how long it was before we arrived but the entire way, I prayed she'd open her eyes again. And if Copper knew that I prayed, she wouldn't believe me. I'm an Atheist, but now seemed like good time to believe in God.

“You can't come in the operating room, Todd but we'll let you in as soon as she's in recovery and we'll keep you posted.” a surgeon in green scrubs said before rushing after her stretcher.

I searched in my pockets and found lint, a dollar and my library card, I bought a bag of Chex Mix and nibbled nervously for 3 hours before a nurse in pink scrubs came out to talk to me.

“Are you Todd Sherman?”

I nodded.

“Ms. Ludlow has sustained internal bleeding which they have under control...” and then she threw a big medical term at me and I zoned out.

She smiled, set her hand on my arm and said softly, “They're doing their best.”

And she left.

I stepped up to the nurse's station.

“Is there a phone I can use?” I asked.

The thin Latina nurse handed me the phone and I swallowed the lump in my throat as I dialed Mr. Ludlow's cell number. He answered right away with a sharp “Hello?”

“Mr. Ludlow? It's Todd Sherman.”

“Todd? Why're you calling so early?”

“It's Cooper, Mr. Ludlow. She's hurt and in surgery.”

“What happened?”

So I told him what I knew and he promised to be on the next plane to the states since him and his wife are in Europe for whatever reason.

I thanked the nurse and sat back down with the hospital's magazine collection on the table in front of me. I grabbed one and absentmindedly flipped through the already dog earred pages.

“Fuck it!” I hissed, tossing the magazine to the table, giving up on trying to keep my mind off of Copper's fragile body laying on the floor. It was hard to forget because I let it happen to her.

Finally about 2 hours later, they let me in to Copper's recovery room. The doctor told me that there had been a lack of oxygen and too much brain damage so she went into a coma.

A coma?

I sat next to her and stared at her serene, bandaged face. She looked peaceful, not in pain at all.

“Oh, Copper.” I said and leaned in. I kissed her and eased back into my chair.

“I love you.” and I was asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tyanne: I love you, here's the next chapter. Ummmm, I love the pic of their place. :D i can't wait to see what you make of it.
I miss you. :D

Reader: okay, sorry we've been gone....... forgive me?
