Tales of a Teenage Tooth Fairy.

Freaking Tooth Fairy


My name is Inna, pronounced “eee nuh.” Just thought you should know that being a tooth fairy sucks. That’s all there is to it. You want to know my special power? I can sense when someone loses a tooth and until I collect the said tooth I go crazy from the intense need.

It’s been like this since I was sixteen, before then I lived a fairly normal life, I went to school and had friends and was happy like any other kid. Then the fated day came and I transformed into a freaking tooth fairy.

It’s been 2 years of flitting around gathering teeth for my collection and leaving quarters for all the little children.

Oh, would you like to know what I use the teeth for? Bread. Yes, that’s right, I grind it up and eat them. Normally with a nice chicken soup, but If I don’t have it I get really sick and eventually I could die.

So that is my pointless existence.

At this very moment I am floating outside of a little girl’s window waiting for her to fall asleep, but unfortunately she is trying to ‘wait up for the tooth fairy.’ Not a smart idea, we also have a general craving for calcium. That’s why we eat teeth in the first place, cause our bodies have a serious deficiency, something that we have been trying to cure for hundreds of years.

People are lucky they put teeth under pillows, before the whole tooth fairy myth started we would grab people and suck all the calcium out of their bodies. But that changed when the fairy council decided to make it illegal.

Which I have to say I am happy about, It didn’t sound at all fun to suck the life out of someone.

My stomach growled dangerously, making me wince in pain. This stupid kid better hurry up and fall asleep. Just as I was about to throw up from the need the kid dropped off into a dream filled sleep.

“Thank the goddess.” I murmured as I used my magic to open her bedroom window. Quietly I floated over and grabbed the tooth. Time to get home and make my dinner.
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This is a random story I decided to write, please tell me what you think of it.