Tales of a Teenage Tooth Fairy.

Just Bring Death


“Thank you for your help dear!” Della Redblood chirped happily to me as I flew out of the front alcove, thankful that this day was over.

Oh a small side note, fairies didn’t have front doors, cause everyone flew everywhere outside of the home. So we had front alcoves with spells that only allowed invited guests inside.

In fact, it was illegal to walk outside of your private residence. The council thought it was too ‘human’ and might make us too sympathetic to our meal providers.

“As if that makes any sense.” I muttered, dodging a pixie that was flying so quickly it was just a pink blur of glitter.

Suddenly a pain shot through my head and I screamed as something, or someone grabbed my hair causing me to come to a rough and quite painful stop.

“What the hell?” I shrieked, spinning around to confront whoever had done that to me. I was about to continue my tirade but the words froze on my tongue when I saw whom in fact it was.

Kyle Glass-Spires, in all his dark fairy glory, was grinning at me in a friendly way, as if he had not just almost yanked all the hair out of my head.

Kyle was the leader of the Maraigh, a group of fairies who wanted to return to the days where we ruled the humans and thought of them solely as food.

Maraigh was the Irish word for ‘kill’ and it fit the aim of the group quite well if you ask me.

Back to the present time though.

“Kyle.” I hissed, trying not to show my trepidation at his very presence.

“Inna, how nice of you to drop by.” His voice was like chocolate laced with arsenic, delicious at first but in the end, no matter how good, it would just bring death.