Status: On hold.



His eyes open to cream colored walls with pink wallpaper. He yawns while rolling off the bed. And as his feet land on the plush creamcicle carpet, for a minute, he thinks he's back home, and the snoring in the room was his wife's. And when realization dawns on him, he frowns. There is no Katy, no mom, no dad – just the snoring coming from the opposite side of the room. His frown turns into a scowl as the other man decides to snore louder – louder than before. And just for that second, the boy wants to walk over and slap him hard. Instead, he makes the better decision and walks out of the room. He doesn't feel any joy nor does he want to jump up and down in excitement – he wants to run out of the building and never turn back.

He realizes the decision would be rash and moronic – something he doesn't go for. He no longer wants to think, just do, but what would that make him out to be? A coward or a fool? He licks his lips. No longer in the mood to chat with himself, he walks back into the room and he attempts to ignore the man waking up in the other bed. Instead, he loudly shuts the bathroom door behind him and looks into the mirror. Purple eyes and wrinkles, not exactly the best look for this boy. And as he continued to stare at himself, he wrinkles his nose and his lips turn into a snarl and he continues to talk to himself.

He isn't quite sure if he's miserable and lonely or clingy and desperate. And as he gets in the shower and shampoos his hair, he knows what he misses. He misses Arkansas, he misses the university, he misses his family, he misses their smell, and most of all, he misses Katy. His beautiful Katy – all his and no one else's and just thinking of her makes him cry. He wants to hold her and to love her and to never let her leave him again. He knows he's desperate and clingy – desperate for some loving and clingy because he has no one to hold. Sure, he has his friends – or so called friends – to talks to. There is Danny who he is rather close to – sharing the same beliefs. He has Allison who he has been very close to lately. And then there is Adam – the man who he unconsciously shares a room with, the man who doesn't share the spotlight with anyone, but the boy.

Kris grinds his teeth and doesn't realize that he's squeezing a conditioner bottle. He hates him. He hates him. He hates Adam. There is no explanation; Kris hasn't come up with one yet. He could say that it's because Adam's gay and Kris doesn't believe in that and it would be true to an extent, but he doesn't hate the guy for it. Kris doesn't know why, he doesn't want to know why. But, there is no denying the fact that little Kris does not and will not have a friendship with Adam Lambert.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so here's the thing, I've stopped writing this story last summer - or some time around that - and now it's all messed up. Because of that, I decided to edit and re-submit the chapters. I'm pretty sure I'm going to finish this story. I hope you enjoy. :)