Status: On hold.


So this is what it's like.

Everyday is exactly the same and Kris wonders how he can put up with it. He wakes up, scowls at the deafening snoring from across the room, takes a shower, and works the day all over again. The days are nearing and Kris gets anxious as he finds this out. He practices and practices, trying to work the song out. And when he's not satisfied with it, he works harder. He snarls at himself, why does he have such high expectations? It's not like he's going to make it through the next week. He's frustrated, tired, and unsure of himself. The more he thinks about it, the more he works harder and harder on the song he's going to sing. And as the days near to that one Tuesday, he gets the jitters and it becomes hard to breathe. He finds himself shivering just thinking about performing in front of thousands. But, the more he thinks about it, the more he pushes himself over the borders, trying to perfect the song.

"Damn it."

He does not swear, does not lash out, does not throw a huge fit over nothing. He doesn't break down, doesn't cry and scream. He doesn't do anything that's not expected of him. But, for a moment, he forgets about his limitations and so humbly slips out a swear. And, once he realizes his mistake, his face heats up and his heart starts to race, did anyone hear him? He then shakes his head and continues to play his guitar, shifting his position every now and then. And, out of no where, someone dances into the room.

"Kristopher, we're going out to eat. Ya wunna come with us?"

Of course, while he's in the middle of practicing, why not? It's not like he's in the middle of something important. However his negative voice inside his head, he grins at the red head and puts away his guitar. He's not hungry nor does he want the attention – he doesn't know why he agrees to the offer. It can be from boredom or maybe just a way out from practicing, but, no matter what cold feelings he feels right then, he accepts and follows the girl out of his shared bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

"Hey, look who's finally out of its cave."

He just smiles and waves as Danny comes to tackle – a not so subtle hug – him.

"Yeah …" For a second he feels awkward and ends up looking at the ground, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. Shy and uncomfortable could describe Kris and anyone could see it. His posture – shoulders slumped and hands deeply ridden in his pockets – wasn't exactly the most outgoing one. His face was usually calm but secretly, he was anxiety ridden and his eyes would always worry when not around loved ones. He almost looks like he's been through something traumatic and it's quite the opposite. He only lived in a town that no outsider visited. He had a loving wife – his beautiful Katy – and his parents. There is nothing out of ordinary about him except maybe for the fact that he never really speaks to anyone but himself.

And when he hears shuffling to the right of him, he looks up to see the guy he shares a room with. He doesn't go out and hug him like Danny and Allison; he doesn't even greet him with a friendly nod of his head. He stands there, his composition and expression horrible and his eyes full of spite. He doesn't like feeling this. He doesn't like the way Adam makes him feel. He isn't quite sure how the guy makes him feel just yet, but he knows, it's nothing to be content over. And as the three decide where to eat, he stands there and keeps quiet.

"Subway then?" Guess who?

Kris frowns – he hates Subway.


Kris hates Subway. He hates the way it smells, the people, the vast amounts of food. He hates fast food.

When the four walk through the entrance doors, Kris holds his breath, he doesn't want to be here. And once again, he feels like the alien in the dog pack.

“So, what are you getting?”

Kris looks up and tries to smile - it's between a grimace and a scowl, perhaps? It only lasts two second and before he knows it, he's looking at the dirty tiled floor, “I'm not all that hungry, actually.” No, honestly, he isn't.

He doesn't know why he followed them out of the mansion where he belongs. He doesn't know why he agreed with Subway - come on, of all places. He doesn't know why he does anything anymore. He wants to go home.

“Come on, you're skin and bones,” he watches Lambert talk, “We can share.”

My God, does he not like Lambert right now.

Kris sighs, why am I so pathetic? He thinks while walking away to find a table. And when he finds out that's empty and not full of crumbs, he sits down in the corner, takes off his sunglasses, and looks out the window. Life's not much fun when you're hiding from the cameras and ditching around questions.

“What's up, Mr. grumpy pants?”

Kris looks at red head, “The sky is up, Allison,” and he makes a face making the red head giggle.

“Yeah, yeah,” She waves him off with her hand, snorting while doing so. “So, why didn't you order anything, huh?”

Kris shrugs, looking down at his hands on the table, “Eh -”

“He's eating,” and before he knows it, Lambert's right there, sitting next to him, “We're sharing.” and with a pleasant smile, Lambert removes his sunglasses, hanging them on his shirt, just like him.

“Aw, Kris has a buddy.” Kris blushes, of course.

Stupid. He wants to say. He wants to tell her to shut the hell up. Of course he knows she'll be angry and the guys will be angered most likely also. Kris keeps his mouth shut and sneaks a glance up at Lambert. He doesn't seem to even bat an eye.

Damn it.
♠ ♠ ♠
So instead of working on the first chapter of, Eat You Up, I got inspiration to make this chapter longer. I loved it's original, but re-reading it, I thought of the Subway thing and added it. So, I hope you all like it. Remember, I would love comments. Enjoy. :)