Supernatural Blackhole

The Music or The Misery

I didn't know what to feel as I sat in the Impala, Sam beside me, Dean and Ellie in the front. I was to pissed to talk to Ellie right now and upset that neither Dean or Sam would even look at me or talk to me like it was my fault Ellie had casted a spell that made me almost have sex with that loser.

"So where are we going now?" asked Ellie to Dean.

"Wherever the road takes us, but I need a bar and a girl, to get the gayness out of my brain" said Dean looking at Ellie, who turned red, Good, she needs to be embarassed.

"I am sorry about that, I just wanted the two of you to get along" said Ellie with a frown.

"a love spell was no way to do it, I could of had sex with him, I would have never gotten over that" said Dean shaking his head.

"Neither would I have, Ellie, you need to learn how to control your A.D.D. and focus on spellcasting more" I said as Ellie looked at me a frowned.

"Look, I am sorry, can we just never bring this up again" said Ellie, Dean and I both nodded, Sam was being quiet this entire time, staring out the window at the trees that passed us by. I tried to get inside his head to see what he was thinking, but it was like he was blocking them from me, which was weird for a mortal. I raised my hand towards the front seat as a blue forcefield spread out across it, it was perfect so I could talk to Sam without them listening to us.

"What's going on with you?" I asked as Sam looked over at me and then up at the front seat, "Don't worry, they can't hear us"

"I just didn't like seeing you and my brother together, it was, well it was gross" said Sam with a frown.

"Ah, so, didn't like seeing two guys together?"

"No, that's not the problem, it was just my brother and you, I didn't like that part of it"

"That's to be expected, I wouldn't like seeing my sister in the same perdicament with your brother" I said making a disgusted face.

"I don't think your understanding what I am saying," said Sam as the blue forcefield dissapeared, I frowned, I wish I could make them last longer, I was about to make another one when Ellie cut her eyes at me curiously.

What are you doing back there said Ellie in my mind.

Making sure Sam is ok I said into her mind.

Ah, I see. Why are you so worried about him?

Well, because he just saw one of your spells go all wrong, one that involved his brother and me almost having sex, he might be a little shaken up

Or maybe because you have a little crush on the youngest Winchester and you want to make sure he doesn't think bad of you said Ellie raising her brow, I wanted to say something smart and mean back to her but Dean's voice interrupted us.

"Are the two of you doing that freaky sibling talking in each others head thing?" asked Dean with a sigh.

"Don't worry, we werent talking about you" said Ellie in her too sweet voice that almost gave me a cavity.

"Hell yeah a bar" said Dean pulling into some Wooden, Redneck looking bar, "Time to get the taste of your brother out of my mouth"

Dean parked the car and got ot of the car like there was a fire under him, We followed his lead and walked inside Dean's bar of choice.