Supernatural Blackhole

Ghost Town

This cemetary felt slightly odd but it could be because this is the same cemetary where Marie Laveau is buried. We stalked the grounds trying to find out what was going on with everyone here.

As we walked, I came up upon a grave that was oddly marked. So I figured it was the infamous Laveau. I met her a couple of times, she was really nice despite some of the rumors.

"Remicicing, Ellie?" I turned around to find that Asmodeus was there, leaning against a tomb. I frowned at him, getting my defenses ready in case he decided to attack.

"I don't know what you're talking about Demon...And how do you know my name?" I quietly wrapped a telekinetic wall around me so that if he decided to attack, he'd bounce right off.

"Oh Ellie, I know a great many things in my line of work and I know that the gang that you're with? They're marked. A bounty has been put on those Winchester boys but for you and your brother? A chance to align yourself with greatness, with the winning side. I mean, we could use two angels of your power on our team.."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, I'm surprised you don't know... But that would be the price for disobeying the Authority right?" I was still confused about what he was talking about. He frowned and started to walk over towards me.

He got as close as he could without disturbing my wall of protection. He stared at me curiously still with that frown, like he was thinking about my answer but then he started to laugh like I had told the best joke in the world.

"I can't believe this! You're a Fallen yet still retain your powers! You and your brother must be something important to them...Wow, walking the Earth all these years.."

"Look I don't know what you're talking about but if you don't back up away from me, I'll go all medeival on your ass.." I cut him off, making him smirk. I crossed my arms across my chest, narrowing my eyes at him to make sure he got what I was saying.

"Really now? I don't even think you can use your full powers on me..." I had had enough of his chatting when I lashed out with my telekinesis and knocked him flat on his back. I sent a quiet call to Cay as I brought out my book.

"I see that the little witch angel packs quite a punch but I highly doubt that even you can outlast myself and all these demons..." I noticed that there were a bunch of demons that he had summoned to back him up, the little pansy.

"Well its a good thing that she's not alone..." I saw that Cay, Sam and Dean had come up with weapons at the ready. Asmodeus smirked and backed off while letting the demons do the dirty work for him.

Everyone instantly split up to fight some of them but I knew that we were really outnumbered so I decided to call in a few people of my own. I got on top of Marie Laveau's tomb and spread my arms wide.

Heus unto mihi Planta of Cemetary Consurgo quod servo vestri quietus cubile! I shouted three times until I felt this trembling in the air. I saw several spirits come out of nowhere and start attacking demons with their sprit powers. One of them, in a flowing dress, came up to me.

She looked like an exotic woman with long black hair braided down her back. She smiled at me and started to say stuff in a southern and what I reconized as a Creole accent. More stuff started to happen as I joined her in the chanting.

Cay, Dean and Sam soon didn't have to fight anymore because all the sprits were helping out making Asmodeus mad as hell. I brought out my bow and stringed an arrow that was cured with holy water and other spells. I started to shoot some of the demons that were evading the spirits and even got ole Assmodey in the shoulder.

Cay, Sam and Dean all converged on him so that way we could get some answers from him. I made my way to there to see what I could find out.

"So, looks like your little plan didn't work, Assmodey.." I grinned at him. He glared at me with my arrow still sticking out of his shoulder as he was being held down by Dean and Cay.

"So I'm guessing that body with the number on it was just a trap wasn't it?" Sam asked him. Asmodeus grinned but Sam grabbed my arrow and twisted it making him howl in pain.

"Yes it was Sammy..." We all turned around to see a woman standing there with a smirk on her face.

"Lilith.." Asmodeus breathed. Sam and Dean instantly reacted to the woman giving Asmodeus a chance to escape. Lilith seemed to start to do something and more demons appeared but then the same woman appeared but this time, she let her hair fly around.

She started to speak in the same Creole language and I grabbed Cay and the others to get them to start running.

"Why the hell are we running?!" Cay shouted as we hoofed it towards the trees.

"Lets just say that we need to make a strategic retreat!" I yelled back as we came up on a steep bank. We all looked back to see some demons chasing after us.

"Dude, I am not jumping into that!" Dean protested but I pushed him in while Cay grabbed Sam and they dove in. I wove a spell in tight little ball and left it there to detonate while I jumped in myself.

"What the fuck was that about?!" Dean yelled as we surfaced on up the river. We all dragged our wet asses up the beach and collasped.

"We were seriously outnumbered with those two high class demons there.. and I don't think that the sprits could hold out any longer..." I panted as I wrung my hair out. Suddenly the spririt that visited me before appeared and started to talk in the Creole language.

"Thank you..." I said as she dissapeared. The others just looked at me weird as I started to look through my book.

"What the hell was that?" Sam asked.

"That was the sprit of Marie Laveau, Voodoo Queen of Lousiana. She owed me a favor or two..." I muttered as I looked at the book for information.

"Not even gonna ask why you brought in a Voodoo Queen but what I wanna know is why Lilith is here!" Dean roared as he shook out his jacket.

"I have an idea..."