Supernatural Blackhole

Drama Queen

I didn't know what Ellie was planning or what her idea was, but I knew not to interrupt her as we all walked back to the motel and got cleaned up. Dean offered to drive Ellie to the New Orleans library, which she accepted. Sam and I decided to go tour the French Quarter to see if we could get out minds off the crazy shit that happened in the cemetary tonight. I knew Ellie was powerful, but I didn't know she could make spirits rise from graves and help us fight a demon.Sam and I were looking at all the famous French buildings when a hand grabbed my wrist, I turned around prepared to fight when I saw an older lady wearing a black dress and a pentagram around her neck.

"I can feel it as I touch you" said the lady rubbing my hand, she turned my hand over and looked at my palm then she gasped, "there's a break in your life line, that is new"

"What are you talking about?, " I asked snatching my hand away, "how can my palm change?"

"It's very unsual, you aren't human, Chayyliel" said the lady, I shrunk back as she said that name, something about it being said outloud scared me.

"How do you know my name?" I asked still shaken, she smiled at me and moved her finger asking us to follow her, I started to move but Sam grabbed me.

"What are you doing, Cay? She could take us somewhere and rape or kill us" said Sam in a stern tone.

"Sam, I need to follow her, my gut is telling me to, please follow" I said almost like my brain was only thinking of this.

"Ok, but any sign of badness and we bolt" said Sam as I nodded and we followed the lady through an black iron gate leading to a Annabellum home, it was beautiful. The lady opened the door leading us into a Victorian decorated foyer, she lead us into a sitting area, where she motioned for us to sit on a sofa as she sat in a chair across from us.

"I sense your hesitation, Samuel, do i frighten you?" asked the lady.

"No, I just always hesitate when a strange lady asks us to follow then into her home" said Sam, the lady nodded and smiled.

"Samuel, I want you to do something for me, " said the lady looking over at a silver orb on top of a piano, "bring me that orb"

"Ok" said Sam as he got off the sofa and walked over to the orb, he picked it up but quickly dropped it onto the floor and looked at his hand. "It burnt me!"

"As I figured, you have evil in you, don't you. I could feel it on the straight, faint of course as you stood next to Cay here, but still evil" said the lady with a smug look, one I didn't like.

"What are you talking about? Sam is a great guy, don't talk to him like that" I said pissed off, how could she say shit like that to Sam.

"Cay, you are clouded by your feelings for him" said the lady, I knew that my faced turned 33 shades of red, how would she know something like that, duh Cay, she is a fucking psychic.

"I would have told you eventually, Cay. I didn't find it important right now, I have demon blood in me" said Sam with a frown, I looked at him, I was confused, Sam couldn't be a demon.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"When I was a baby, demon blood got put in me. It doesn't make me a bad person" said Sam in a sad tone, I looked at the lady with anger in my raging in my body, I wanted to stop it but it was too late. I could feel the fire in my hands as the sword popped in it. The lady looked at the sword then at me and smiled, then her body transformed into Lillith's, Sam and I both shrunk back.

"I knew it, I just had to see it for myself. 'All the children of heaven do tremble'" quoted Lillith with a smile, I had heard this before, but I wasn't sure where. All of a sudden the windows and doors all made a locking sound. I looked over at Sam who look frightened, angry, and protective all at the same time.

"Let, Cay go, this doesn't involve him" said Sam walking over to me, Lillith smiled.

"How sweet, I should have been controlling a man instead of that pathetic Ruby it seems" said Lillith as Sam looked angrier, what the fuck was this bitch talking about.

"Shut up, my feelings for Cay are none of your business get out of my fucking head!" screamed Sam, how could she get into his head but I couldn't.

"Because Lucifer gives me power, more power than your God does. That sword your holding should belong to my master, not yours" said Lillith as the sword flew from my hand and into hers. I just stared at her and my sword in her hand.

"Give that back" I said as the rage built up even more in my body, more then I had ever felt before in my life. It was scary, I felt like my whole body was on fire, Lillith seemed to smile at me more now, Sam looked at her and then looked at me, he walked over and put his hand on my shoulder gently, I looked up at him, I instantly calmed down, Lillith frowned for the first time.

"Always trying to ruin my fun, Sam. For a demon, you act like a fucking angel" said Lillith then looked down at the sword, "I will be taking this with me now, to Hell where it belongs"

"It belongs with me!" I yelled but Lillith smiled and dissapreard with my sword, as soon as she was gone the door opened. Sam looked at me with a sad look, for the first time in my life I felt volunerable. Sam pulled me into a hug as we sunk down on the floor hugging each other as I mentally sent a distress signal to Ellie and Dean.