Supernatural Blackhole

Kiss From A Rose

Sam was holding me tight as my body felt in someway numb, like I was paralyzed or something. Sam pulled away from me and looked at me in the eyes with a look of pity mixed with something else.

"Sam, this isn't good" I said with a sigh, he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I know, but we will figure this out and get your sword back" Sam said with a sincerity, like he believed it, but I wasn't so sure.

"I just feel weak now"

"Your not weak, Cay." said Sam as his hand moved up to my chin and cupped it and pushed my head up to look at him, "you're strong and willful"

"Not without my sword, Sam, it made me feel strong somehow" I said frowning, I wanted to look away but Sam held my face to look at him.

"You don't need it, I am not going to let anything bad happen to you, I promise you that" said Sam as he leaned in and kissed my forehead gently, he then kissed my cheeks and then to my surprise kissed my lips. I think the last part freaked us both out, we both looked at each other, "I am sorry I shouldn't have done that"

"Do it, again" I said, Sam smiled and then leaned in and touched our lips together again. This time I reacted and kissed him back, I felt a strange sensation in my body, like a tingling and a calming sensation. I liked how it felt, Sam slipped his tongue into my mouth and brought his strong hands to my back where he used them to pull me in closer until a deep, clearing throat brought us out of it, we broke away to see Ellie and Dean standing there, both with shocked looks on their faces.

"This doesn't seem like they are too distressed" said Dean in a pissed and disgusted tone.

"Dean, how did you find us?" asked Sam in a scared tone.

"I got a a distress call in my mind, what happened?" asked Ellie looking at me with a look of happiness but with pity mixed in.

"Lillith came, she tricked us into coming here. She stole my sword, Ellie, plus she called me some strange name" I said as Ellie looked shocked.

"How did she get your sword?!" exclaimed Ellie.

"I was going to fight her with it, but she somehow made it leave my hand and go to hers. Something evil is happening, I can feel it" I said with a sigh, Ellie, Dean, and Sam all nodded.

I sat in a chair at the table typing away on Sam's laptop, Ellie was fast asleep in the bed and Dean and Sam were in the next room, I could here their conversation and I Googled stuff online.

"Why where you kissing him, Sam. That isn't like you, it's probably one of those fucked up spells of Ellie's" said Dean as I wished these walls seperating us were thicker.

"I wanted to kiss him, so I did it. Your always telling me to hook up" said Sam with a tone that I could tell had a smile at the end, which made me smile.

"Yes, girls, not guys. Are you gay?" asked Dean in a tone that made me know he was scared of the answer.

"I am going to bed, we can talk about this tomorrow" said Sam.

"This isn't over, Sam. I don't want you being near him anymore. Tomorrow you sit up front with me." said Dean with a stern tone, I just sighed, I didn't know why Dean was acting like this, I guess he wasn't cool as I thought he was. I wasn't having much luck looking up stuff about demons, so I decided to take another route. I typed in that name Lillith had said, the first link was a website about angels. Angels? that seemed to weird, why would she call me an angels name. I clicked the link, Apparently, the name meant Army and he is the angel of war, then underneath it had a quote. All of the children of Heaven, do tremble, that was the same thing that Lillith had said to me, then right beside it another quote, If he wanted to, he could swallow up the entire world. What did this mean? There was no way, I was some angel. I mean, yeah, I know that I am different but being an angel was too crazy. I closed the laptop and got into the bed, where Dean's thoughts entered m head.

Why would Sam kiss Cay, he can't be gay, he's my brother. I have seen him flirt with girls before. Cay must have done something to him.

I just sighed, I didn't know what Dean's problem was, but maybe it was my fault. Maybe I did something to Sam, something I didn't know I was doing. I closed my eyes and sleep took over.