Supernatural Blackhole


The concoction I had made wasn’t working… Its supposed to keep me from getting motion sickness but Dean’s driving plus the backseat equals motion sickness. Cay looked at me worriedly when I slumped in the seat more.

Um, are you ok? You look kinda green…

No shit head.. I’m not ok… I accidentally kicked the back of Sam’s seat which made him turn around to see what was going on.

“Uh.. Ellie? Are you ok?” He asked. My annoyance briefly overpowered my motion sickness.

“Yes I’m fine…” I leaned back and closed my eyes, hoping that the motion sickness would go away but then Dean just had to jerk the steering wheel when he looked over at me.

“Dude.. Do not spew in this car!” He cried. The world started to spin as Dean tried to stop quickly but I clapped my hands and teleported out of the car. I ran to where they couldn’t see me and puked everywhere. I felt so horrible after that but that’s not the least of my problems.

I felt this really bad vibe and when I looked up from my spot I saw Lilith and Asmodeus grinning at me. Asmodeus quickly put his hands on my head and mouth, blocking each way I could contact someone but then Lilith took out a knife and cut open my uniform then carving something into my skin as I tried to get away but I was weakened by my sickness.

Wait! I recognized it now! Damn demons and their black magik! I was so stupid sometimes and the concoction just made it worse! I could taste the vile of the spell along with some voodoo, I walked right into it and dismissed it as motion sickness.

Blackness started to blur the edges of my vision as I was being held captive but I could hear Cay yelling for me somewhere far away. For once, I was grateful for our mind link. I could also hear Dean and Sam yelling to but I couldn’t call for them.

I felt myself being picked up as the dark edges seemed to edge in closer as I fought for consciousness. Now the yelling was closer as I heard gun shots and various people fighting. I tried to help but the cuts that Lilith inflicted on me was burning , bleeding and blocking me from doing anything.

But there was one thing I had control over of. My feet and they were in the exact place that I wanted them to be. So what I did is kick Asmodeus in the happy place, making him drop me but I was too weak to stop my fall properly and I ended up rolling into a ditch with lots of thorns and branches that just happen to empty into the river that I didn’t know was there.

I fell into the river and I briefly realized that I don’t know how to swim. I never had to. I fell in with a painful splash that was overcome by what felt like a thousand needles piercing my skin. I held my breath instinctively as I struggled to break the surface.

I finally broke the surface and took in a sharp gasp of air as I flailed around to keep my head above water. I gulped some muddy water and started to cough which hurt my chest even worse. Right when the blackness almost took over, I saw someone grab for me and then everything went dark.