Supernatural Blackhole


I looked at Ellie and decided that I should finally fill her in on what little I did know about who we are, or at least who I think we are.

"Sam, can I borrow your laptop?" I called over my shoulder, soon Sam was sitting beside me and his laptop was in front of me as I typed in the name that Lilith kept calling me, when it popped up I turned the laptop to Ellie so she could read it.

"Chayyial, the angel of war or army, a very powerful angel" read Ellie and then looked at me, " we're angels?"

"I don't know, I mean, that would explain some things, didn't you say that Asmodeus called you an angel or Fallen?" I asked curiously and Ellie nodded as Dean came and sat beside her.

"Yeah, but I figured he was trying to get under my skin, demons like to do that" said Ellie as Dean smiled, great, he is back to thinking dirty thoughts about my sister again.

"What if he wasn't, what if we are angels, well Fallen ones" I suggested, I looked over at Sam who had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"So are we going to talk about what happened earlier or we just putting that under the bridge?" asked Dean with a serious expression.

"It's too complicated to explain it to you, Dean, let's just say your feelings and everyone elses are very clear" said Sam with that thoughtful expression still on his face, I wish i knew what he was thinking.

"We better get some rest, we have another road trip tomorrow" said Dean standing up, "Ellie you staying with me tonight?"

"Sure, will you be ok?" asked Ellie looking at me, I nodded.

"Yeah, I need to talk to Sam" I said as Ellie smiled and all but skipped out with Dean, I looked over at Sam who was playing with his fingernails, "what's up?"

"My brother isn't ever going to accept us" said Sam with a sad expression.

"You need to give him time, plus, if he doesnt accept it, he will at least deal with it" I suggested.

"Yeah, hopefully" said Sam with a shurg as he closed the laptop, "Cay, I noticed something when we went swimming that night"


"You have scars on your back, on each shoulderblade, like where wings would be"

"Or maybe battlescars, we have been hurt in battle before" I said, I just suggested the angel thing, I didn't really think it was true.

"Cay, do you think you and Ellie are Fallen angels?" asked Sam with a curious look.

"I don't know, maybe, but what doesnt that mean her and I are damned?"

"No, you can always go back to Heaven, I on the other hand, am damned with the blood in my veins" said Sam looking sadder.

"Don't say that, Sam. We will find a way to undamn you, i promise you that" I said with a smile, Sam gave me a half smile, I kissed his lips gently, he kissed me back, "You coming to bed now?"

"I think I am going to research for a little while and then I will come to bed" said Sam opening up his laptop.

"Ok" I said with a smile, giving him one more kiss before I went to bed. I must have been really tired because sleep took a hold of me and I was engulffed into a dream.

I was swimming in a huge lake of a crimson liquid, that was no doubt blood but there was something different about this blood, it didn't smell like rust, it smelled like flowers. I kept swimming until i reached a sandy bank, where a body laid naked and shivering. I quickly ran to the body, a trail of blood following me as I knelt down and turned the body over to see that it was Sam. He looked up at me like he was a lost puppy, I tried to speak but nothing would come out, he reached up and touched my face gently.

"You don't have to say anything, your beauty says ten million words" said Sam in a sweet, but breathless voice. He wasn't talking like Sam talked in the non-dream world, but I still knew that it was him, I opened my mouth again but nothing came out, I was starting to ger aggrivated, when Ellie rose from the water with a hard in her hand and the book in the other, she smiled at me and Sam before she spoke.

"Blood is so powerful, isn't it brother? It can change everything, it can save your life, it is life" said Ellie as she began to beautifully play the harp, "Chayyial the blood that fills the Nile is but your own"

The Nile, like the river? like the story in the Bible? I wanted to ask these questions but my mouth wouldn't allow it, Ellie's harp melted into the sand.

"There's is no more time to speak now, my dear brother, for you must wake up now, but remember this name for it is important, Eiael" said Ellie
as soon as that word was spoken my eyes opened and I awakened in the motel room with a shirtless Sam beside me in the bed and confusion in my mind.