Supernatural Blackhole

The Fantasy

Dean was over there slightly snoring in his bed while I had just woken up from a startling dream. This time it wasn't the normal things that I usually dreamt about, like what I called my own personal History Channel but this one was more disturbing and far from normal.

Blood. I smelled it all around me yet nothing was covered with it. The coppery smell was almost suffocating me.

There was no sound. Not the rustling of leaves, the twittering of birds.. Not even the whisper of wind. It was like it was all dead, everywhere I looked, it was like a empty wasteland.

I felt so exposed standing there, like someone was watching me but when I tried to turn around look, I couldn't move. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply to calm my racing heart. When I opened my eyes, Cay was there standing with only a robe-ish thing across his waist.

I blinked in surprise and as I tried to tell him to get some damn clothes on when he suddenly unsheathed his sword. It looked a lot bigger than when I last saw it. He stepped towards me and for a split second, I thought that he was slice me in half with it but I wasn't his target.

I was finally able to move but I regretted doing so. I turned and saw this guy. Ok, so it just wasn't any guy. This dude was so gorgeous but I could sense an aura that was far far away from the good side.

He reached for me and I instantly reared back away from him. His face warped into an angry mask and reached for me again. I could see wings protruding from his back but they weren' t ordinary wings.

Those wings were black and looked like they were rotting. I could see this black gunk cover his wings and it was dripping onto the dead grass under our feet. His handsome face distorted into ugly, demonic features as he came for me.

"Ellie.. You have to listen to me. Nobody is safe. Not even me, so you have to listen and find what was lost and no matter what happens, you have to stand strong. You sacrificed yourself last time for all of us, now its my turn to repay you." Cay said as he stepped in front of me with his sword flaming joyfully with the anticipation of battle.

I opened my mouth to tell him not to do it but my mouth wouldn't work properly. Suddenly I was falling away from the fight, which sounded like the world was being ripped apart. I saw white feathers falling all around me as I reached for Cay who was so far away.

Dean and Sam were falling with me as well. I realized that I had wings so I tried to use them to slow our decent but it seemed that my feathers were being stripped one by one. I grabbed Sam and Dean while trying to turn around to see what we were heading to.

Suddenly it felt like I was getting some lift with the wings so I tried to pull up but I wasn't fast enough. The red river slammed into us with astounding force.

I was now standing at the window looking up at the moon, still drenched in a cold sweat. I stopped wondering and walked to the bathroom to get a cold rag to calm myself down. I walked past the mirror and through my white tank top, I saw something that almost made me scream.

I saw the same man from my dream grinning wickedly at me. His eyes were faintly glowing red as he came through the mirror after me.

"Its all your fault...." He whispered in a scratchy voice. I turned around and tried to escape or at least wake up Dean but something raked my back. I finally screamed my heart out while trying to blast him to keep him away from me.

"Ellie! Ellie!" I felt someone shake me and I realized that Dean was the one shaking me. I almost jumped from the bed when I realized I had one of those dreams within a dream deals. I was soaking wet with sweat and shaking with fear.

I frantically looked around to see what I had seen in my dream but thankfully he was gone. Dean was hovering around me, just in case I decided to have another panic attack. I went to ask him what was going on but his face was looking at me fearfully.

"Ellie.... You're bleeding..." He told me as he helped me from the bed. I turned around to see where I was bleeding and I found that the whole bed was soaked in blood where I was laying.

I also noticed that in the mirror that I had passed, there was something on my back along with all the blood.
