Supernatural Blackhole


"You can't always run from your fucking problems, Ellie" I screamed to the air, how could she just teleport in the middle of a fucking conversation.

"Where did she go?" asked Dean in a frantic tone, I turned at looked at him, rage in my body.

"How the fuck should I know?" I said in a icy tone, Dean looked frightened, I could sense Sam walking near me, I quickly dodged his advances, "Don't touch me"

"Cay, please calm down" said Sam in a sweet, caring tone, not a tone I want to hear right now.

"I am tired of calming down, I want to keep this rage right now. I could be in Heaven right now, instead of her on Earth fighting a battle that you and your brother caused" I spat this out at Sam, he looked hurt by this, but I didn't care.

"Thats not fair, Cay" said Dean in an angry tone.

"Life is not fair, Dean" I said as a horrible pain filled my head, I bent my knees and fell to the ground, the pain was unbearable, i looked up to see Sam and Dean looking at me horrified, but I didn't care this pain was too much.

"Make it stop!" I screamed to the sky, I don't want to feel like this anymore.

"You have to make it stop, Cay" said Sam, I want to make it stop, I just don't know how to. I started thinking of Sam when he kisses me and makes me feel happy and loved, the way he smiled when he was happy and when he plays a prank on Dean, I thought of Ellie, the way she looks at Dean, like she loves him but is scared he will hurt her. I felt the rage begin to leave my body, i began to think of more things, Ellie when she hugged me only a way a sister can, The way Dean smirks when he looks at her and thinks dirty thoughts about her. I felt four strong arms lift me off the ground, I looked on either side and found a Winchester.

"If I never came from Heaven, I wouldn't be" I started to say when the world around me went dark, I knew I was asleep now, I had passed out, I knew I was in a dream.

I was walking down a white hallway, everything was white, the lights, the walls, and even the floor. There were no doors, just a long hallway and a bright light at the end. I walked into it and it took me into a cave. I could hear the distant dripping of water, as a voice began to call out for me.

"Cay, are you lost?" called the voice, I wanted to reply but again I couldn't, "Find what your looking for.

"He can't, he is lost" said a man walking towards me, I felt like I knew him.

"Don't speak for me" I said surprising myseld that I could speak.

"You pushed her away, didn't you. You were always hot tempered" said the man with a bored look.

"I didn't mean to push her away, I was mad"

"I know, being cast out of the most beautiful place would make anyone mad. Cay, you are breaking a huge rule right now, aren't you?"

"What rule is that?" I asked confused.

"Loving a half demon, do you want to be damned to Hell even more?" asked the man with a curious look.

"No, how can I be damned for this? When the angels and God need me to fight a battle for good and I, Dean, Ellie, and Sam will all be damned. That doesn't seem fair now does it?"

"Nothing is fair, but I will make a deal with you. Gabriel sent me here to approve it for you. You can save one of them, Dean, Sam, or Ellie. Which one will it be?"

"How can you make me pick, thats absurd and horrid" I screamed at him, this was ridiculous.

"These are the prices you pay" said the man as he looked up to the sky, he snapped and I felt like I was falling, there was no ground below me or sky above me, I closed my eyes, when I opened them again
I was lying on the back seat of the Impala with Sam shirtless and using his shirt to cool me off with water.

"What happened?" I asked trying to raise up but Sam stopped me.

"You passed out, you need to just lie down" said Sam with a compassionate look.

"What I said before I passed out, I am sorry, both of you are good guys" I said hoping they could forgive me, Dean nodded and Sam smiled.

"It's ok, we all say shit sometimes" said Sam touching my face gently.

"We have to find Ellie, I need to find her" I pleaded with Dean, who was kicking rocks with his boots.

"How?" asked Dean looking at me, I wanted to have an answer but I didn't. I just looked at them both and then thought of Ellie and answered Dean's question and the man from the vision with the same response.

"I don't know"
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Hey Everyone, if you have any questions or Comment(mean or good) contact me and my co-writer, Lavada