Supernatural Blackhole

The Virus of Life

I didn't know where I was going but all I knew is that I had to get away before I said something that I shouldn't have. I landed in a familiar cemetary in the dead of night. How would I know? I tripped over a damn headstone and knocked myself out.

I was in this garden, this paradise. Everything was bright and sharp but at the same time, it was just too perfect than what I was used to but at the same time it felt like home. I walked through the whiteness and the light, open space with a causious step.

"This should look familiar to you Eiael...You called it home since the beginning of your exsistance?" This man in white came up to me with a serious bordering on bored expression on his face.

"Who are you and why are you calling me that?!"

"I'm Castiel and Gabriel sent me. I've already talked to your brother..."

"So what? I'm not talking or going back to him. How can he be mad at me for something I don't remember!" I nearly screamed at him. I was fighting back tears of misery and anger while Castiel just stood there with a bored expression.

I went to turn away but I saw something slithering on the ground. It was so fast that I wasn't even sure I seen it. The inky blackness of it had me remembering the black gunk that man had in my dream but before I could even scream, Castiel was suddenly by my side.

He pushed me away but the blackness was just a distraction as I found out. I fell heavily on my side but I fell at the feet of someone who gave of the most disturbing aura I've ever felt. I found myself being lifted up without being touched. I tried to use my powers to get away but I was hitting this block, like I didn't have enough power to do it.

I realized it was the man from my dreams, there with a smile on his face then everything went black.

"She's here. Just where he said she'd be."

"It seems that this time, we shall prevail.."