Supernatural Blackhole

Bat Country

We walked out of the church and I think I saw Cupid shoot its arrow at me when I saw what was waiting on us when we came out. It was glistening in the sun, black on sun. It was so beautiful and pretty!

"ARGH! ELLIE! STOP SHOUTING! I KNOW ITS PRETTY!" Cay started to yell as he clutched his head. Oh, I hadn't known I was shouting...I gotta remember to put a block on my thoughts sometimes.

"What's pretty?" Sam asked me but Cay interrupted him with a grumble as he rubbed his temples.

"She's raving about the car.."

"Well, chicks love the car... Especially the one who drives it.." Dean smirked as he leaned against the car like he was God. I rolled my eyes at his obvious display of cockiness, "Yeah, its a '67 Chevy Impala so if you fuck it ip, I will hurt you.." He narrowed his eyes at Cay and I.

"Yeah, wouldn't want to scratch your girlfriend..." Cay sarcastically said to him as he crossed his arms across his chest. I could feel Cay's displeasure rolling off of him like a wave at a beach.

"So, uh, why'd Bobby send you here?" Sam interjected before this little verbal spat could become something physical. The tension between Cay and Dean as a little uncomfortable. Neither wanted either there.

"Well, all Bob-o said is that you two had caused something big to happen and that my Book freaks out everytime I try to address it about it."

"Your book freaks out?" Sam questioned with a raised brow. I mimcked his stature with my arms crossed.

"Actually its Book. Special emphasis, and yes, It was freaking out."

"What's so special about this... Book?" I materalized it for all to see. The Winchesters both took a step back as I held it for them to see.

"What the fuck are you some sort of witch?" Dean waved his hands like I did and I laughed at the both of them.

"I guess you can say that! Its my Occult Book. It contains everything you need to know about the supernatural and other things." I explained to them. They both still looked uber suspspicous but I couldn't help that.

"I heard that..." Cay growled at the both of them, "We are not demons... We're just a little different than most people and yeah... I can read your thoughts..." Sam and Dean looked at each other apprehensivly but accepted it.

"And I can feel what you're feeling.. er I believe the word is Empathy." I added as I went to get in the car. Everyone followed suit, with a little adjustment for Sam. He was so freaking tall but then again everyone was taller than me anyways.

"So, what's with the uniforms?" Dean asked me. I shrugged at him, looking down at my gray cat suit with my gray boots.

"We've always worn these but we do keep other clothes around just in case we need them." I flipped through the Book as we chatted while we raced down the road. I kept sending thoughts to the Book, trying to figure out what was going on when it when it suddenly had a mind of its own and started to flip itself. It did that when it had something to say.

"Whoah.. It can do that by itself?" Sam leaned over and looked over my shoulder at its antics. It suddendly stopped on a page that had to do with the Consort of Lucifer.

"Did you guys fucking let Lucifer out of Hell?!" I shreked. Dean gave Sam a guilty look through the rearview mirror. Cay let out a hiss as I let him know what was going on.

"Look, Lilith broke the final seal releasing him, we were too late to do anything about it..." Dean stuck up for their actions but we didn't get to hash it out because something hit the car making it weave on the road.

"What the fuck is that?" Dean said as he squinted ahead to the group that was in the middle of the road. My Book started to flip franctially before it settled on Asmodeus, one of the Consorts of Lucifer.

Dean screeched to a halt a half a mile before them making all of us jerk in our seatbelts. I hissed at the sight of them, knowing that the only way we're gonna get out of this was to fight and we'd have to keep the Winchesters safe.
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I think I feel a fight coming on XD