Supernatural Blackhole

Waking Up In Vegas

Dean just drove, we didn't know where we were going and I didn't feel anything from Ellie, I knew she had kept the block on, I wish she would take it off, then like an answered prayer the block was lifted but it was a sense I had never felt before, she was in big trouble and there was evil around her.

Why were we told to bring her to Vegas? said a man in my head.

Because we need to load up on sin to take her back to Hell, idiot said the other evil with a sneer.

"We need to go to Vegas" I said, Dean and Sam both looked at me.

"Cay, now is not the time to gamble" said Sam raising his brow.

"Not to gamble, that's where some lower demons have Ellie, they said something about needing sin" I said, Dean and Sam both shrugged, then Dean smiled.

"I think Vegas is going to be awesome, we can get Ellie and then go gamble and drink" said Dean with a smile, Sam rolled his eyes.

* * *

Hours later, we arrived on the Strip in Vegas, my senses kicked in and lead us straight to the Venetian Hotel and Casino, I saw Dean's eyes light up, and thoughts of hitting million dollar jackspots entered my head.

"We have to save Ellie first" I said to Dean, he nodded and was all business, I walked up to the hotel counter, the lady smiled a huge smile at me, "Hey my friends asked me to meet them up in their room, but they forgot to give me the room number"

"That happens alot in Vegas, " she said with a smile, "What is their last name?"

Great, think Cay, what would two demons use as their fake names.

"Manson" I said, the lady typed away and then nodded.

"They just checked in a few hours ago, room 4001" said the lady,"here's a room key just in case"

"Thanks" I said as I took the room key.

"How did you guess the last name?" asked Sam with an impressed tone.

"Juse thought of the most evil person I could think of, Bush came to mind, but I decided to go with someone dead so I went with Charles Manson" I said with a shrug as we entered the elevator, Dean pushed the four. We exited the elevator and walked straight to the room door, I inserted the key. I walked in prepared to fight but the room was empty, I could sense the evil has been gone for thirty minutes.

"Fuck!" said Dean as he threw a glass vase at the wall.

"You're late" came a voice from behind us, I remembered it from my dream, we turned around to see the man from my dreams.

"Castiel, what the fuck are you doing here?" asked Dean with an annoyed tone.

"Came to tell you three that you are late" said Castiel then looked at me, "and to get your answer"

"I don't have one yet" I said as Sam looked at me curiously.

"Time is running out, the battle is soon, " said Castiel and then looked at Dean's hand where blood was forming, "Blood is a funny thing, isn't it"

"Blood" I whispered to myself as a plan entered my head.

"Ellie is close by, she is on her way to meet with Lucifer, you better hurry" said Castiel as he dissapeared.

"The battle is happening soon, this isn't good" said Sam but my mind was too focused on something else, a way to save everyone.