Supernatural Blackhole

Break Apart Her Heart

I couldn't move.

I couldn't speak.

I felt like this dirty little doll being strung around by string by a thing that I couldn't see. It was controlling all my powers, my voice and even what I saw. I had no way of telling Cay or anybody that this wasn't me. No SOS signal, nothing.

This blackness, this sticky, nasty blackness was covering me. It was festering, crawling and burying deep inside and there wasn't a way I could stop it.

"Eiael... Darling. Don't be afraid. See, I'm forgiving unlike the God that you served but I heard that you rebelled and did it anyways but for going against him, you were thrown out. All for your brother and the other angels. Such a feat I would have commended, even put you in my highest class even though you trapped me in that pit..."

I suddenly felt sorry for him. Even though he strung me up and litterally defiled me but his silken words were pulling at my heartstrings and I felt myself giving in to his words and into the blackness but something didn't seem right.

"I mean, after all you've done for everyone? You're reward is your memory gone, your brother now hates you because of what he doesn't understand? I could help you. I could restore your memories, your happiness.... I can even ensure Dean would understand.."

His voice was floating all around me, compelling me to relax, to give in to his words but this nagging voice was making me have a headache as it fought against his voice. Everything was conflicting with my good sense and that wasn't a good feeling at all.

"But..." I could hear myself saying but he started to chuckle and I could feel fingers stroking my cheek.

"Ellie... Your brother has turned against you, possibly turned Sam and Dean against you, making you feel like everything's your fault, Ellie.. You just have to realize that after all this time, things change..."

He was right. After all this time, after all the little fights we've been in. He might be right. And with that, he found the crack in my armor, and it began.