Supernatural Blackhole


I looked on in shock as Cay run Ellie through with his sword. Time seemed frozen for a few seconds as that scene would be forever in my memory but suddenly there was this bright light from Ellie as Cay's face went blank.

As the light faded, I saw Ellie's head slowly rise up with a smile on her face but that didn't look her usual smile. This one looked demonic and evil. She laid a hand on the sword and pulled it out of her, still with the smile.

Cay's face went from one that was blank to this rage filled one that I've only seen once. He snapped back with the sword, holding it up beside him like a solider. Ellie's smile grew even bigger as she suddenly started to float above the ground.

"Oh brother. You forgot. I have magick on my side..." She laughed. Dean came pounding up with his shotgun but when he saw what was going on, his mouth dropped just like mine had.

"What the hell is going on?" Dean asked me but we had to get out of the way because Ellie started to use her telekinesis to randomly throw stuff at Cay who was cutting it away effortlessley with his flaming sword.

"Ellie's really quite something isn't she?" We both turned around to see these two guys standing behind us with wicked looking grins on their faces, obviously enjoying Ellie and Cay's fight.

In the back, I heard more stuff blow up and the ground shake as Ellie and Cay battled it out. Dean cocked his gun and pointed at them with a growl.

"Who the hell are you?" They both looked at each other and chuckled to themselves but then ducked when Ellie came flying over and hit the wall, making the wall crack in protest. She looked up viciously at the two people and started to growl.

"What the fuck are you two doing here Leviathan? Abaddon?" She spat viciously at them as she got up from the wall. Suddenly a spurt of flame was thrown her way by Cay but she held up her hand and dismissed it like it was nothing.

"Baby! Don't worry! We're here to make sure you got this!" The taller of the two grinned at her in a way that I almost had to hold Dean back from ripping that guy to shreds, "And to make sure that these Winchester boys don't mess with you..."

"Leviathan..." Ellie growled at the taller one but her attention was diverted once again to Cay who swung the sword at her again.

"Well Abaddon I think its time to leave.. Looks like things here are getting to that point.." The shorter one said but I tackled the shorter one because I knew that they were some of Lucifer's people.

But what I didn't see was Cay and Ellie both using all their power to try and destroy which was making the whole place shake and there was lighting, things were disentergrating and blood was everywhere.

Marks had came up on Ellie and Cay's face while another rumble shook the entire building down. Dean and I quickly took refugue under a table while Leviathan and Abaddon were killed by the energy and the debris that the siblings were causing.

"What the hell is going on?!" Dean yelled over all the noise, the loud roaring that they were making.

"I dunno!" But then a huge blast shook the place even more with a bright light then everything went black with pain as well.