Supernatural Blackhole

Between Angels and Insects

I was sitting beside a crystal, blue lake. I looked at my reflection in the water to see that I had two, tall, white wings flopping from my shoulder blades, this seemed familiar to me. I walked from the lake to a group of angels who were discussing something about choir practice, and how beautiful Eiael sounded, Ellie, I had to find her, I knew we must be dead, I thought that until I saw myself sitting on a rock polishing a titanium shield as a group of men and women angels were talking to me about something.

"Lucifer, was an idiot, who would want to leave Heaven?" Myself said to the group, the nodded and agreed.

"Exactly, Chayyial, I mean no angel has been stupid enough to leave since then." said a male angel as I walked closer to the group, a tall, all business angel approached, that I somehow knew was Michael, I watched myself get off the rock, all the others were quite as the walked off.

"Tall tales again Chayyial?" asked Michael with a smile.

"We were discussing the rebellion of Lucifer" myself said as they began to walk, I followed them.

"One of your favorite subjects, isn't it?"

"I just don't see how anyone could want to rebel and leave Heaven"

"Lucifer was headstrong and idiotic" said Michael as he looked up to a tall marble building, "It's your sister, her and God are arguing"

"Her and God?" myself asked as they walked quickly to the tall marble building, I walked inside with them, to see Ellie arguing in front of a throne where a bright light was in it.

"I had to do this, it has to be done" said Ellie in a desperate tone.

"Eiael, no, I do not want any of my angels participating in this." said a booming voice, I knew had to be Gods.

"What's going on?" myself asked.

"Eiael, do not get involved" said Michael sternly.

"Michael, I can end this, I can trap Lucifer" said Ellie pleading, Michael shook his head.

I didn't know what to think about what I was seeing, but somehow I knew this wasn't a dream, I was watching something that had actually happened. Michael did something with his hand and the sword that I had used on Earth appeared in it, Ellie and myself both looked at the sword, i watched myself and Ellie look at each other, I knew they were talking in their minds, but I didn't know what they were saying.

"Eiael, if you choose to do this, I have permission to do the unthinkable to you" said Michael, I looked at the scene horrified, Michael didn't kill us, so what did we do to him. I wanted to see more but the bright light from the throne blinded me, and I didn't see anything else just a white light .