Supernatural Blackhole

Head First For Halos

Everything was quite, when the bright light faded, I was looking at myself standing at the edge of a cloud looking down, I could sense there had been some tension but it had faded. Myself looked away from the edge and then stared at a group of angels, I heard the name Eiael, and myself quickly walked over to the group.

"Where is she?" myself said, the angels shrugged, myself began to look around heaven like a crazy person. He walked near the marble building where Ellie had been arguing with God earlier, I saw Michael standing there protecting the door with his sword in his hand. Myself walked up to him with a powerful look, "where is Eiael?"

"We don't know, and that is not good. Lucifer tried to come back earlier and since then she has been missing:" said Michael as a booming sound came from the other side of the door, myself and Michael quickly ran inside and I followed. Ellie was sitting in the middle of the floor loooking as if she had just been in a fight with a wild animal, myself quickly walked over to her.

"What happened?" myself asked looking at the throne.

"She had done what I have forbidden her to do, this is a sad day" said God's voice, I and myself both looked up at the throne.

"I had to" said a breathless Ellie.

"You were fobidden!" came God's voice.

"What did you do?" myseld asked her, she tried to say something but she was tired.

"She placed a seal on Lucifer, to lock him away in Hell" said Michael.

"That doesn't sound so bad" said myself looking at Michael and the throne.

"She was forbidden! So now just like Lucifer you are going to be cast out" said Michael in a stern tone.

"NO! You can't do that, this is our home!" myself said in a sad tone.

"Was her home, God forbade her to do something and she did it" said Michael.

"She won't make it down on Earth, she is an angel; I will have to go with her" myself said, I couldn't be shocked that I had actually said that.

"You will give up your life in Heaven?" asked Michael.

"Yes, my sister needs me" myself said, Michael nodded.

"You are a strong willed angel, " said Michael shaking his head and then handing me the sword, "take this with you"

"Your sword? I can't" myself saif, Michael nodded and placed it in my hand.

"Take it, you are going to need it and be careful of getting angry while your down there. You are stronger than you know" said Michael as he walked myself and Ellie out the door. We were treated like prisoners as we reached the edge of clouds, Michael took the sword from my hand and slashed our wings off, I could feel the pain, I knew it was memory, but the pain was fresh to me as he cast us out of Heaven and threw his sword down with us.

I opened my eyes to see Sam sitting beside me on the bed, I looked up at him and he looked at him and smiled.

"Hey, Sam" I said groggily.

"Hey, love" said Sam with a smile, "How was your nap?"

"How long have I been out?"

"You and Ellie have been asleep for three days. She just woke up a few minutes before you did. Dean took her outside, she got an attitude with me" said Sam with a sad look.

"What did she say to you?" I asked a little protective, I knew now that I always have been. I knew now that I was a fallen angel and that I gave up Heaven for my sister. I looked up at Sam he shrugged and kissed my lips gently as I heard yelling from outside the door of Ellie and Dean.