Supernatural Blackhole

The Beginning of the End (Part One)

On the way to the warehouse, I noticed that things had been getting quieter and quieter. What I mean by that is that the wildlife wasn't making any of the the usual noises, it seemed like each town we passed was a ghost town.

The only noises that were being made were the soft growl of Dean's Impala and the soft crunch of the asphalt from where the tires were spinning in the haste to get to the warehouse. It seemed that the closer we got to the warehouse, the quieter and more desolate the scenery got, which means that that silence was only spreading.

We finally arrived at the huge warehouse. The silence was deafening as we all climbed out of the car, the only ones making any sort of noise. It was like pushing the mute button on a movie and watching it play out in a silent room.

The crunch of the gravel under our feet seemed to ring out like a gunshot as we walked around to the truck of the Impala. Dean and Sam started to grab random stuff for weapons as me and Cay checked to see if we had everything but before we set out, I had grabbed their weapons and blessed them.

The reason for that is that if I bless an object, it becomes holy and some of these things you can't kill by the ordinary means like rock salt and silver bullets. Hence supercharging Dean and Sam's weapons. Cay and I can't be watching our backs as well as theirs at the same time, even though we're like these angels and stuff. I'm still not used to the thought of it.

"Some more hunters are supposed to be here in a few hours.. Until then, I guess we just hold the fort." Dean said, hanging up his phone, "What about on your end?" He asked Cay.

"None of the angels listen to the Fallen like us.." He said sadly, looking at Sam with a sad smile.

"So that's it then. We're basically on our own..." I said. I personally knew that this was gonna happen because its our destiny to set things right. I sadly didn't know who was over the whole destiny thing but if I do happen to meet them, I'll make sure to hit them right in the kisser.

We entered the warehouse with extreme caution, not knowing what to expect. I think the guys had it in their mind that there was gonna be fire and a mighty throne for Lucifer but all we were finding at the moment was a cold, leaky warehouse with no life that we could see or hear.

I’d rather take the fire and hoards of minions to this cold, silent, leaky place. We scoured the entire place but we came up with nothing. Not even a drop of blood, but there was this intense vibe that felt like it was just waiting to spring.

“Ah, Eiael. I see you’ve come to see me, finally and you’ve brought me the Winchesters! I see that we’re gonna get along just fine…”

We all turned around to see the man that had been haunting my dreams. Lucifer.

He was dressed in a simple suit but his face was anything from a simple person. I could see the ugliness and the dark, slimy evil emancipating from him. He smiled at me and took a step forward but Dean stepped in front of me with a scowl.

With that, more demons appeared, flanking Lucifer. Including Lilith and two other ones I didn’t recognize but they all grinned evilly at us, smirking like the dogs they are.

Cay took a step forward, igniting his sword while Sam and Dean cocked their guns. I however didn’t need my book at this precise moment. I knew a vast about of curses and spells that’ll really set off the fireworks. No, I’ll bring out my book when I need the heavy lifting done. Besides, I’ve got my bow and arrows plus our powers as well.

We stood there for a few seconds, having ourselves a stare off until one of the demons stepped forward and Sam whipped up his gun and shot him straight in the head. Some of the others snarled in response and Lucifer just nodded, giving the go ahead for them to attack us.

Sam and Dean were paired off together as Cay and I split up to use our powers to get rid of most of the demons. Cay was cutting through some of them like butter and I was picking them off one by one with my bow and arrow.

Suddenly Lilith appeared in my sights and knocked me to the ground, making me lose my bow. I fell heavily to the ground and jumped back up with a snarl. I brought out my two twin swords from the little sheathes on my arrow pack and darted after the little bitch.

She came around with another one of the high level demons and barreled into Sam and Dean, who tried to get out of the way but that demon caught him in a lock and knocked Sam down, unconscious. Lilith smirked and put a hand on that demon’s arm.

“Now Mestopheles, don’t break his neck yet.” Lilith said to the demon. He smiled a charming smile and started to pet Dean’s head with a wicked grin on his face. I could see the steam billowing out of Dean’s ears at that prospect. He wasn’t a happy camper.

“Ok, Lilith…” I twirled my swords in my hands as I gave them a crazy grin, “ Let’s see how this turns out…”