Supernatural Blackhole

Kill Caustic

I could feel the sense of protection and rage in my body at the sight of the demons standing in the road in front of us, Dean and Ellie exited the car first, with me and Sam following suit. We stood in a straight line spread out as the head demon and his minions did the same.

"Just stay back" said Dean in a manly tone, I looked over at him and shook my head.

"Why don't you stay back and let me handle this" I said in a ready to fight tone.

"Guys, this is not the time to play 'whose bigger'" said Sam sternly.

"Sam is right, we need to work together" said Ellie, Dean and I both nodded, I knew they were right we needed to work together to defeat, Asmodeus, which just made a hand gesture as four of his minions came charging after us, We all picked one mentally and went for that one, the minion that came after me jumped for me. I dodged it's attack, it slip on the asphalt behind me, it let out what sounded like a growl as he got back up, i didn't plan well this time, it knew i was going to dodge it's attack so it jumped the way I was about to turn and jumped on me knocking me to the ground, my head hit the asphalt hard . The demon dove towards my neck as I felt something hot in my hand, I knew what it was without looking at it, I brought the flaming sword down into the demons chest, it growled and dissapeared. I got off the ground to find one demon left, Sam and Dean where helping Ellie kill it, I was about to go help when Dead cracked the demons neck in one move. Asmodeus, let out an angry growl as he walked towards us, gracefully, I could smell the evil on him.

"Well look what we have here, killing your own kind, Sam?" asked Asmodeus with a smile and what sounded like a cackle.

"These are not my kind" said Sam through gritted teeth, I looked at Ellie, we both didn't know what he was talking about.

"The blood that swims through your veins, is in mine and theirs" said Asmodeus as Dean stepped in front of his brother.

"My blood is in his body and veins, not yours" said Dean, Asmodeus just looked at him and narrowed his eyes as he then looked at me and Ellie.

"Ah, I see some kids have joined your group, " said Asmodeus glaring at us, "do you think you can beat me"

"I think you will be back in damnation, very soon" I said, I must have caught some of Dean's cockiness.

"Puny human" said Asmodeus, I could feel the fury in my body, as the heat filled my hand again, the double bladed firey sword cause all of them but Ellie to look at me, she had seen it before.

where the fuck did he get that came Dean voice in my head, I looked at him wishing I could explain but I didn't even know.

"This changes things" said Asmodeus as he dissapeared quickly, the sword dissapared as well, Dean and Sam looked at me with confusion and fear in their minds.

"Explain, why the fuck you have a flaming sword and why you have a fucking spell book" said Dean with anger in his voice, I could tell that he wasn't one that liked to not know what was going on, I looked at Ellie and them looked at them.