Supernatural Blackhole

Spit It Out

"Ok, now tell us what the hell is going on.." Dean demanded.

After the fight, we had found a motel room to get. We were in Sam and Dean's roombeing interrogated talking about what was going on with that demon. I sighed and brought out my book again.

I placed it on the table with a bang, making everything on the table shake. Sam cautiously put his laptop on a bed and started to look at the Book curiously. He tried to pick it up but he gave a surprised grunt as he hefted it up.

"Damn... how heavy is this thing?" Sam asked me, weighing it with two hands. I smiled and took it from him with one hand. Still smiling, the Book started to levitate above my hands and my hands only.

"Ellie, stop showing off and tell them what they want to know." Cay said, making me frown. Things must be about to get bad if he was acting like this all the time. Cay's emotions are like a fortune telling. If he was in a constant bad mood then things were gonna get bad but usually he's a pretty neutral guy.

"Fine.." I huffed and placed the Book back down, with another thump, " Ok, what do you want to know?"

"First of all, who the hell did we fight?" Dean said. I sighed and had the Book flip to the page I had found to begin with, the Consorts of Lucifer.

"Ok, this Book first came upon this page," I showed them, " The Consorts of Lucifer, that's when I asked you about freeing him. See the Consorts are this circle of Lucifer's most trusted, his inner circle."

"The one we met was Asmodeus, the lowest of this circle. Lilith's other half." I felt Sam and Dean stiffen up at her name, "Well I guess you know her since you dumbasses broke the last seal that was in her.." They said nothing when I busted their balls like that.

"Anyway, the Consorts are like his court and since they're here that means that Lucifer is free. That's like big, End of the World big so to get to the Fallen One we have to go through his Consorts because its like a chain reaction," I flipped through some more pages as I talked, "Kill one Consort, that one's power goes to the next higher up and that there is the weakness."

"So what you're saying that to get to Lucifer is like tumbling domino's?" Sam asked, making sure he got it right. I nodded, looking through the pages again.

"Ok, let me get this right, if we kill all of Satan's bitches, he gets all their power but that makes him vulnerable?" Dean rubbed his temples trying to understand. I felt frustration and anger coming off him in little strips like he was trying to hold it back.

"Yeah, that's right. Its like once he gets all that power from his consorts, he'll have power but he'll have no one to take the fall for him so he uses all his power protecting himself...Get it?"

"Yeah yeah, so now next question. What's with the flaming sword and the big ass spell book?" Dean asked again, his agitation dissipating.

"Well that's little harder to explain. See, we've always had these... from as far as we can remember. Even my Bow but that's not the point. You guys have guns, knives and such, we have our weapons as well."

"That so can't mean you guys are human..." Dean persisted while Sam just listened. Cay sighed in exasperation, making me chuckle.

"We've already established that we're not demons, nor regular humans either."

"So what? You're angels or something?" That stopped me. We actually had no memory of what we are actually.

"All we know is that we woke up, dug our way out of the ground and all this fire when we came up and we started to live through the ages..." Cay said, his voice dropping all hostility as he thought as far back as he could remember.

"Live through the ages? How old are you guys?" Sam asked but then kinda took it back after realizing that was kinda rude. I laughed at his puppy face.

"Its ok. I think the year was 1666. So that would make us....?"

"343 years old, Elle..." Cay finished for me. I smiled my thanks at him, "Now we have some questions for you. How the hell did Lucifer escape?" They each told of the 66 Seals and what all happened prior to the breakout. Now we knew why Bobby sent us here, apparently they were way over their heads with this.

Sire... I have failed but not without reason. The two outcasts were with them but I don't think their memories or Grace has been returned to them yet. Yes, we must take advantage of this. The girl outcast could be very useful in her Occult heritage, even the other one. His strength you could possess and become invincible in the upcoming fight. Yes, he shall fall.