Supernatural Blackhole

Behind Blue Eyes

I was sitting outside the hotel on something, I could only describe as a brick pit with potting soil and a palm tree inside of it. I looked up at the stars in the sky, I had always felt a connection to the heavens, like i belong to them, but that was just wishful thinking.

"Looking at the stars?" came Sam's voice standing by his motel door with an ice bucket in his hands.

"Yeah, I guess I am" I said in a sarcastic tone as I looked back up at the stars.

"When I was a little boy, I loved to lie on my back all night and look up at the stars" said Sam as I tried to think if maybe I had done the same, but I couldn't remember being a child, "I better get the ice back to Dean before he goes on a rampage"

"OK" was all I could muster out as Sam gave a little wave and walked back inside the motel door as my motel room door opened and Ellie walked out wearing pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, she walked over and sat down beside me.

"Did I hear Dean out here?" asked Ellie with a smile as she looked around.

"No, you heard Sam" I said giving here a curious glance, she could be so boy crazy sometimes.

"Oh well, I can feel Dean in here" said Ellie pointing to her heart and smiling.

"I bet you feel a lot of stuff in there" I said rolling my eyes.

"What's your problem with Dean?"

"He's a dick and all he thinks about it ways to get you in bed"

"And?" asked Ellie with a smile, knowing this was going to piss me off.

"And?! Bobby didn't send us here to bed the brothers, Ellie" I said angrily as I stood up.

"You want to bed Sam, don't you?" asked Ellie standing up with me, I looked at her and shook my head.

"No, Ellie, I want to kill these demons and Lucifer and go home. I don't care about the Winchesters"

"You need to like them, especially Dean, he's a good guy"

"You're only saying that because you like him, " I said walking towards the door, "I am going to bed"

"I am going to sit out here for awhile" said Ellie as she blocked her thoughts from me, I gave up trying to read them. I went inside and crashed on the bed that I was making my own and stared up at the ceiling watching the shadows of night move across it, I finally closed my eyes and found sleep, a sleep that included dreams of Sam Winchester, bloody and naked, lying on the ground.