Supernatural Blackhole

I Put A Spell On You

I just didn't see why they didn't get along. I could feel that they were good guys, espeically Dean. I mean I know my Empathy can be a real pain sometimes because I sometimes can't tell which emotions are mine and vice versa but I can tell who are good people.

After a while I sensed that Cay'd stopped trying to read my thoughts. Good. I'm gonna fix his ass. If we're gonna be in this they we'd better all get along and fast.

That's when it struck me. Instead of trying extra hard to get them to be friends and runing my vibe, I'll candle magick their ass because my way would have it at months of hard work and we don't have that.

Yep. That's what I'll do! I stood up and brushed my pajama bottoms off. Thankfully all my materials for magick was stored in this veil where I kept my Book. Its a time-space deal. You wouldn't understand.

I summoned a pink candle for frienships and a white candle for peace out of my stores along with my athame and lavender incense. I carved my thoughts and feelings about Dean and Cay into the candles. When I was done, I placed the candles and incense southward as I kneeled as I thought of the proper words to say.

Animosity vacuus gnarus
Nos vadum planto amicitia tonight
Commodo per is alica
Succurro Lemma Adepto Per

I spoke that while lighting the candles and incense, conveying my feelings once again as I spoke but what I forgot to remember is that this would count as a manipulating spell and this would have concequenses.

The next morning, I raced outside and took a deep breath of the air, waiting excitingly on the effects of the spell. Cay had left earlier for some breakfast while I slept a little longer. I raced to Sam and Dean's room once I got dressed.

"Ellie?" Sam answered the door in nothing but his t-shirt and his boxer-briefs but I wasn't interested in oogling him right now. I was more interested in how Dean felt today while Cay was away.

"Hai Sam! Happy morning?" I smiled but he just yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Its... 5:45 in the morning.. Its even early for me..."

"Well... early bird gets the worm! So how's Dean today?"


"Oh... Well, Cay's gone for some breakfast so.." I leaned over to peer at Dean who was still asleep and all tangled in his covers.

"Ok? When he gets back, let us know. Its nice to not go after this stuff for once.." He laughed. I skipped away to do whatever until Cay got back with some food.

Soon, Cay was back and grumpy as ever. I guess that my spell didn't work. Oh well, I guess its plan B.

"Hey, I'm going to Sam and Dean's room to give them some of this.." He held up another bag of food. I waved and sulked while I soaked my food in hot sauce. I love hot sauce like Cay loves grape jelly.

Suddenly I felt the vibes of everyone change. Alarmed, I teleported right over to their to see what was going on when I got there surprised the hell out of me. I was getting love vibes from both Cay and Dean. They were looking at each other like they haven't seen the sun in ages.

Oh dear...