Supernatural Blackhole

Kiss Me Fool

"What is going on?" Sam asked me. I fidgeted under his glare. I mean an angry Sam is kinda scary.

"Well, um, I kinda cast a spell to make them get along but it must have... gone awry..." I stammered, not looking at Sam.

"Awry? So your brother and my brother macking on each other is.... awry?"


"Well how the hell are you gonna fix it?"

"Um, not quite sure... But we gotta keep them apart before they do something they'd....." We both looked at each other and realized what could be going on.

I grabbed Sam and clapped my hands which teleported us to the room where they were at. They were on their way to being naked in the bed. We both cringed at their forms and I produced a rope for Sam to tie up Dean with while I dealt with Cay.

I used my telekinesis to separate them, making Dean fly into a chair while Sam tied him up. Cay's eyes flashed in anger as he used his own telekinesis against me. I grunted from the effort as I created a shield to hold against his mind powers and held Dean down as well.

Suddenly Cay stopped his barrage and rushed at me which threw me off. I ducked under his swing and embrased him in a hug. I slapped my hands against his back effectivally teleporting us outside and out of his grip.

I side-stepped another one of his attacks, trying to think on how to stop this behemoth whom I knew its attacks and weakness......Wait. All I have to do is touch his face! I am a genius!

He rushed at me again and I used my size to my advantage as I teleported my way around him as he did the same. I finally found the opportunity to do it as I came up behind him and grabbed his face.


And Cay crumpled down into the ground, still in his underwear. I panted from the effort of taking him down. Man, if I had been trying to kill him... I'd be dog tired...

I teleported him back to a bed with a huff. I saw that Sam had tied Dean up and Dean wasn't happy at all. Not to mencion he was in his underwear, to which I didn't complain.

I walked up to him and touched his face while repeating the same spell that I used on Cay. Dean fell asleep just as Cay did. I heard Sam sigh sharply.

"Ok, you need to fix this soon cause I don't know if I can handle another one of Dean's left hooks again..." I noticed that Sam's right side of his face was swollen and I winced at the sight of it.

"Ok, let me get my book and you get dressed." Sam's face tinted with pink as he registered that fact. I materalized my Book and put it on the table while Sam got dressed. I always put what I spell in this book just in case something goes wrong or I need it again.

I reviewed what all went wrong with the spell and I personally didn't see anything wrong with it. Sam pulled up a chair shortly after and started to look over the spell with me. I frowned as I noted that he was reading over my shoulder.

"So this is the spell?" I nodded. He gestured for the Book and I slid the book over. Sam looked it over and raised his eyebrow at me.

"A pink candle can mean love and frienships... That combined with 'We shall make friends tonight'?" Sam laughed at me but then it hit me. I had accidentally set them up for this.

"Ok so we have to break that love and frienship...I have to do a reversal spell" I groaned as I banged my head on the table, "I'm such a screw-up! I just wanted help them get along!" Sam patted my shoulder sympathetically.

"You're not a screw-up, you're just A.D.D...." He laughed. I soon came up with the spell and with Sam's once-over, we both deemed it to reverse and restore our brothers. We carved our intentions into a black candle and lit them both up along with some cleasing insence.

Quis eram perfectus
ostendo sum is exsisto
reverto voluntas
ut utriusque of lemma

Suscitatio.. I murmered to the both of them after I had chanted that. They slowly opened their eyes and groaned like they would have if they had a hangover but then the both of them started to cough.

"Jesus, who the hell is smoking in here?!" Dean coughed but then realized he was tied to a chair...In his underwear, "Uh... what party did I come from?"

"ELLIE!" Cay roared and I dissapeared.