The Dare Diary

Beach Bunnies

It was a late summer afternoon. Very hot. There was no sign of a single cloud. The sun's rays beamed down on Madison.

"Come on, Liz, come swimming with me," the girl said as she drew her hair back into a ponytail.

"Can't. Tanning," replied the brunette girl whom was lying down peacefully on a big yellow beach towel. "You should try it yourself, Zoey."

"I don't tan--I burn," clarified Zoey, already smothering sunscreen on her skin as if to prove her point.

"Like a lobster," a male yet feminine voice came from behind. A boy about five and a half feet stood next to the two girls, smiling as he stretched.

"See? Allen knows what he's talking about," Zoey said then turned to him. "Well are you at least going to come swimming with me?"

"Sure," Allen replied.


"Have fun," Liz muttered and put sunglasses on. She stuck the ear buds in her ears and went through the hundreds of songs on her iPod before settling for "Gives You Hell" by All American Rejects and getting comfy again.

Allen surfed while Zoey swam with some tiny colorful fish.

"Hey!" a loud voice called from the shore. Startled, Allen lost balance and fell off his surfboard. Zoey looked up to see who it was.

The person at shore waved. It was Zoey's twin sister Alyssa. Standing next to her was her boyfriend Mark. From far away they looked like daughter and father; there was a big height difference between the two of them.

And as for Alyssa and Zoey being twins, the two couldn't be anymore opposite. In and out.

Alyssa had her pale blond hair cut like a boy's, but it just made her look that much cuter. She didn't like to wear make-up and she was modest through and through. Meaning she was so self-conscious she showed barely any skin--even when going to the beach. Alyssa was completely innocent.

Then there's her counterpart--Zoey. Zoey keeps her hair waist length and smothers on the make-up (even though with smooth and clear skin like her's there's no reason too).

"Hi!" Zoey shouted to them and waved with her whole arm. She looked back at Allen show was already heading back to shore with his board.

When they got there Mark patted Allen's bony shoulder and said, "Thought you were a goner there."

And before Allen could respond to Mark's comment, Jack himself pulled up in his Jeep. He smiled widely as he honked at them.

"Mmm, my man is here," Liz said and sat up. She took her sunglasses from her face and placed them on her head.

If Alyssa was cute, then Liz was drop-dead gorgeous. Her beauty was almost shocking. Her skin was light brown--half from tanning and half from her ethnicity. But her eyes were almost a red brown like mahogany, speckled with black.

No wonder she scored probably the most charming guy at the University of Madison, Wisconsin.

The others watched as Jack got out of the car, practically ran to Liz, and picked her up like she weighed only fifty pounds. She squealed as he swung her over his shoulder.

Allen looked away right when he saw a clear view of Liz's cleavage between her fire-red bikini top. Instead of drooling over the sight like any other straight and completely air-headed male, he turned to Zoey and tried making conversation.

It worked. "I picked up all the camping supplies," he inquired loudly. And as soon as the words were out, everyone turned their attention in on Allen.

"What?" Zoey gasped.

"Already?" Alyssa said shocked.

"Camping's not til next weekend," Mark said.

"Well, I prepared ahead of time. I suggest you guys do the same. Pack your stuff early and we'll have enough time to think about other stuff." Allen has always been well-organized.

"What other stuff?" Liz asked when Jack set her down. She stretched, revealing the exotic dragon tattoo, that was usually half hidden in her underwear, or in this case, bikini bottom. It was black and red and stretched between her love handles.

Allen continued. "Other stuff like where we're camping and whose car we're taking and what we're going to do when we get there and--"

"Okay," Liz cut him off, "I get it. Pack early. 'Kay."

Allen grinned.

"I feel like you just ruined my day," Alyssa said to him. "Now I have tons to still worry about, other than exams."

Everyone groaned. The exams were the only bad thing about the school year ending.

"Well, hey," Zoey budded in trying to be the optimistic of the bunch, "just think. In just one more year we'll be done with college and won't have to worry about anything again."

"True," Mark agreed.

"So get your packing done and we'll definitely get the other things taken care of Friday," Allen said smoothly.