The Dare Diary

Morning Shocker

Zoey was typing away on her laptop--trying to finish a paper the night before it's due--on her bed when Liz walked in.

Without looking up from what she was doing Zoey asked, "Where were you?"

"Party at Max's," she replied, taking her shirt off and removing her bra. "He was celebrating all of his roommates graduating and leaving, so he has the apartment all to himself now." Liz rummaged through her fairly neat closet.

"Yeah, you smell like a bowling alley," Zoey said plainly, taking a sip of her coffee. She remembered her dad taking her bowling with him when she was eleven. Her mom would complain when they got back that Zoey smelled like cigarettes.

"And you smell like procrastinator," Liz retorted, coming over to where Zoey was sitting. "Isn't that due tomorrow?"


Liz bent down and grabbed a tank top that was on the floor. "Is this mine?"


Liz sniffed it then put it on over her uncovered chest. She changed out of her underwear and pants in exchange for something to sleep in--pink cotton pants with white poke-a-dots. Then she sat next to Zoey on her bed. She read the first thing that popped out at her on the screen.

"Bombing for peace is like...fucking for virginity?"

"It's a paper on my opinion on all the war going on and if it's really necessary," Zoey clarified.

"Strong words."

"Thanks." Zoey turned to look at Liz and saw how tired she looked. Her eyes were glazed over and her lids barely stayed open anymore. She yawned and fell over. Her head hit a soft pillow.

She sighed and spread out a little more on the bed. "Your bed is so comfy...I just want to sleep forever on it." Her words were garbled with tiredness.

"Go ahead," Zoey said. She patted Liz's leg and went back to work.

Zoey was probably the most mello person you'd meet. More reason why she was different from her twin sister. Alyssa was so uptight about almost anything. She also couldn't stand the idea of sharing a room with someone. Lucky for her she was able to have a dorm all to herself.

Now, if Alyssa was stuck with Liz for a roommate, Alyssa would have killed herself by now. Not that Liz was a horrible roommate. It was just that she was so comfortable around everyone. She didn't mind Zoey seeing her naked (though Zoey minded the first year they were rommies), she didn't mind Zoey seeing her messy or clean side, ugly or pretty side. It just made her that much easier to get along with.

But Alyssa would have been bothered deeply by Liz's casual attitude all the time.

Well, to each their own, Zoey thought as she finished her paper and closed her laptop.

This wasn't the first time Liz has fallen asleep on Zoey's bed, so Zoey didn't have trouble getting some sleep of her own.

But in the morning Liz was having trouble waking up.

"Liz," Zoey shook her arm, "wake up. You have classes today."

"Leave the vacuum alone," Liz mumbled with her eyes still closed, obviously talking in her sleep. "It was always in the corner."

Zoey rolled her eyes and got her keys; she didn't like having to walk to her classes, so she had her car parked near the dorm building.

"Lizard! Get up!" she shouted.

Liz heard that. She held her hand up and flipped Zoey the bird.

Eventually she got up though and they were both in the car driving away within fifteen minutes. The car ride was silent except for the radio noise in the background.

"...body of fifteen-year-old girl found dead under bed..."

Liz's hand reached over to the radio and changed the station to KISS FM.

"Hey!" Zoey complained, trying to find the station they were just on. "I was listening to that."

Liz grumbled sleepily.

"...murdered. Police are reporting various knife holes in chest. The girl's family are to be tried at court for possible cause of her brutal death. In other news--"

"Wow," Zoey whispered in shock.

"That's disgusting," Liz exclaimed. They then got to where they usually park. As Liz got out of the car Zoey didn't move. Her hands still loosely gripped the steering wheel.

Zoey wasn't used to death. That's why whenever she heard of it she became frozen in place.

"Zoey," Liz said softly, understanding.

Zoey slowly turned her head to Liz and came back to reality one stop at a time.
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How fast I update is really according to motivation. So comment please.