The Dare Diary


A couple hours after classes finished for Allen, he was just leaving a coffee shop with a cup and book--The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown--in hand. He headed back to his apartment he shared with Mark and Jack. They wouldn't be around the apartment when he got back though. Mark and Jack were out hanging with the twins.

Sighing, he walked up the steps, purposely avoiding the gang loitering in the hall. Allen seemed to always be an easy target these days because of his orientation.

His room was number seven on the second floor. Next to the door was a box. He picked it up without another thought and entered the room. Carelessly tossing it on the couch he went to the fridge and grabbed out an Izze for himself after throwing his empty Styrofoam cup away. As he sipped it he stared at the package. I didn't order anything, he thought to himself. Unless it's Jack's porn. He made a disgusted noise and took the box to Jack's room.

Allen then walked back to the main room where the TV played The Notebook. He would have settled for something else like Stay but he didn't mind, as long as they both had Ryan Gosling in them. He relaxed on the couch and closed his eyes, listening to the voice of Allie as she yelled at Noah on the Ferris Wheel.

He drifted in and out but was fully awake when he heard the door open roughly and footsteps stumble around.

Still a bit groggy he sat up just as older Allie was meeting her children she forgot about.

"Allen?" Mark called out.

"Yeah." He rubbed his head.

"You're here? Why didn't you come join us?" He walked around the couch to face Allen with a beer in his hand.

As if on cue, a loud belch erupted from the kitchen. They looked over at Jack who was wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

Allen looked back at Mark and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh," Mark said, understanding right away.

Which reminded Allen: "Hey, Jack, your...err...mail arrived."

Jack walked out of the kitchen and down the hall to his room. "Ah, thanks, Tinkie."

Allen groaned. "I told you to never call me that!" It was a nickname that Jack thought fit perfectly. Another reason why he could really care less if Jack just magically disappeared or accidentally fell into a burning pit of fire and demonic fairies.

"Hey!" Jack said and for a wild second Allen thought he read his mind. "This isn't mine. What the fuck?"

"Give me that," Mark said, grabbing at it. He looked for a label, but there was none. He tore it open cautiously. "Huh?" He dropped the box but held the thing that was inside it.

"A book?" Jack asked? He ripped it out of Marks hands and flipped through it quickly. "There aren't any pictures." He threw it over his shoulder. "Not interested."

Luckily Mark was right there so he caught it before the book made contact with the floor.

"No, not a book. Looks like a journal."

"Let me see that." Allen stood up and took it. He opened up to the first page. He reached over to the table and picked up his glasses. Sliding them into place he skimmed the writing. "A...diary actually."
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm only continuing this 'cause I love the characters so much.

Comment, please?