Perfect Life to not

the beginning

Everything changes when you move away I guess.I was the popular girl in my Middle school. Everyone knew me and I liked it like that. I was at the top of the chain. Who am I?My name is Jana, Jana Maisie. I am sixteen; I have long brown hair, hazel eyes and this is my story.It started when I was fourteen. I started hanging out with a different crowd; I don't know how it happened it just did. Something was woken up in side of me and I will never be the same. That when I meet my best friend Mimi and the completely adorable Max.The only good thing out of this.
It was the start of the new school year I was going into the high school; my Mother thought it was a great idea to meet the boy next door.God only knows why. I had seen him around and he was not much to look at. He had red hair,gold rim glasses, and tons of freckles all over his face.My loving Mother set up a "play date" with his mother .Here I am thinking why the hell are they calling this a play date when we are both fourteen and it should be called torture. So I got dragged over and we met .His name was Klus;that day he was wearing all black and blood red nail polish.Probably from Hot Topic what a surprise. It was strange all the other times I had seen him he looked like a complete geek. At home my friends would have said,"Hey Geek, you joined the dark side now your a emo kid."Then we would all laugh and make fun of him. I was glad that they were not hear to make fun of him.There was something in his green eyes that made me feel Empathy for him. The drastic change from super geeky to down right emo;it made me wonder what was going on in his red head. His mother didn't seem to notice. the only thing we said to each other was hi. After that we both turned to our I pods for help. Our Mothers' were in the kitchen having coffee and talking about whatever mothers like to talk about. after about an hour which seemed like a year we left. I thought that was the last time I would ever talk to him or see him but it wasn't. As long as I live I will never forget what happened. The boy next door changed my life forever.