

The air is cold coming off the ocean but, it feels nice and cool. today is just like any other day. i start off with a walk on the beach to clear my mind and think about what is inportent in my life. the walks help me forget about my deadend job and about my asshole of a boss. between the wind and the birds everything seem great but, the best thing is who i walk with. There is this wounderful girl that i meet in middle school. She said we would last forever. I remember the day she first said forever means forever. we where on her couch holding hands watching a movie. I could not tell you what the movie was about because, i could not keep my eyes off her. with our hands locked together and sweet kiss she wispered "it took us four years but forever is forever. "
Now here we are hands locked on a beach just the two of us. the wind in our hair the sound of waves in our ears. we may not live in a big house in new york or on the side of some montain but with her i do not care where we live. as long as she walks with me on this beach nothing can stop us. from forever!

together forever.