Can you take all the pain away from me?

Chapter 4

Sorry I hav'nt updated...I lost my notebook...but i found really sorry...please keep reading and comment please

[Meghan's P.O.V]

I got to know Frank a little more. He seemed like a really nice guy. When I got home I immediatly went upstairs to my room. It was only 8:00 so I just layed there till I fell asleep. The next morning I got up pretty early. I got ready for school and then left for school. On my way to school I met up with Frank.

"hey Meghan"
"hey Frank"
"Are you okay? you seem so upset all the time"
"yeah, im fine"

My definition of fine

Fucked up

"are you sure?"
"yess, im sure"

We arrived to school. I took a deep breath and then walked into the building. Frank and I had to go our seperate ways. When I started walking down the 9th grade hallway I immediatly got dirty looks from my other classmates. All of a sudden I felt someone push me up against the wall.

"hey emo girl"
I said nothing
"you better stay out of my stomping it!
I said nothing. The kid kicked me

He walked away. I continued walking to my locker. I got pushed into the wall again but I just kept on walking. I got to my locker, got my books and went to class. The day went really slowly but last peirod was hell for me. I was sitting there minding my own bussiness and I felt spit balls and paper balls being thrown at me. I screamed at them but they just said "aww did we hurt the little emo girl's feelings." I sat back down in my seat. They kept on throwing paper at me saying stuff like


The period was finally over and I finally got to go home. Frank was suppose to come over so I met up with him after school.