‹ Prequel: Fate

Our Lives Before Fate Interveined

I Never Saw It Coming


The Hollywood Records building is increadably boring. It's even more unbearable when you've been sitting in the same chair for over an hour. I was left waiting by my father, one of the executives of Hollywood records, because his newest clients were in town and he wanted to get right to work with them. I really don't see the appeal of these pop stars Disney keeps releasing. I mean I bet they can't even play their instruments or sing.
So here I am sitting in an extreamly uncomfortable chair when my dad's assistant, Lauren, walked out of her office.
"Mr. Adams wanted me to take you to get a snack. And to apologize for the meeting running late." Lauren told me politly smiling.
"Oh. Alright." I stood from the chair. My legs a little stiff from all the sitting.
"We'll just run to the vending machines downstairs really quick."
Unfortuantly it took twenty minutes. By the time I got back to the waiting room I was extreamly irratated, and didn't even want to eat the bag of chips I bought.
Yes, this was a typical Saturday afternoon in the life of Hannah Adams. My dad tells me we will eat lunch together. I gets stuck in a meeting and by the time he's done it's dinner. It's been this way pretty much the whole fifteen years I've been alive. You see my dad is the exact definition of a workaholic. I hardly ever see him; I have a better relationship with Lauren then my dad.
"Ms. Adams, Mr. Adams would like to see you." Lauren called from her office.
I walked towards my dad's office, throwing the unopened chip bag away as I passed the garbage. I knocked once on my dad's office door, and entered cautiously.
That's when I saw him. The boy that was to change my life forever.
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sorry this is so short.
So I hope you liked! comment, tell me your opinion.
chaptre title: When It Rains Paramore.