‹ Prequel: Fate

Our Lives Before Fate Interveined

How Did We Get Here?


It's been a week since Nick's talked to me. He's avoiding me, and I know it's because of that night. For some reason I know he regrets it. I stopped trying to talk to him after two days of the silent treatment, I don't deserve to be treated that way. I finally just decided we needed to talk and sort this out, so I recruited Joe to help.
"Tell me again why Nick won't talk to you." Joe said.
We were sitting in the Jonas' living room watching TV waiting for Nick to come home.
"I have no idea." I mumbled.
We both looked up when the front door opened. It was Nick.
"Hey." Nick said to Joe and I.
"Hi. Can we talk?" I asked right away before he fled to his room.
"Um..." He glanced at Joe.
"I'm leaving." Joe said standing up quickly and exiting the room.
"Please Nick?"
"Fine." Nick sat on the chair opposite me.
"I want to know why you've been avoiding me." I said flat out.
Nick looked down at the carpeted floor thinking.
"I couldn't face you after what happened." He whispered.
"You regret it don't you?" I asked. Silent tears already falling.
That was all I needed to hear. I ran from the room and straight to my house. I looked myself in my room and cried. Why does my life have to be so unfair?

Nick's P.O.V.

I watched Hannah run from me. This was the end of our relationship, and I wasn't heartbroken. Yet. I know as soon as I see her again I'm going to regret this. But I couldn't lie to her, I did regret that night. We should have stopped, I should have stopped, but no I had to let these stupid teenage hormones take over.
"Hey where's Hannah Bear?" Joe asked as he walked into the room.
"She...uh she left?" I asked unsure of my answer. I knew Joe would be pissed if he found out about what I said.
"Why? She just got here."
"I don't know Joe why don't you go ask her." And with that I walked away from Joe and into my room.
This is just fucking perfect. I fucked up the best thing that has ever happened to me. I stayed in my room the rest of the day strumming my guitar. I kept replaying that look on Hannah's face when I told her I regretted it.
I decided this wasn't how it should end. I called but it went straight to voice mail.
"Hey, it's me. Look I'm sorry about earlier. But I had to tell you the truth. Would you have liked it better if I lied? I love you. Please call me back."
I hung up the phone completely defeated. I knew she wouldn't call back. She probably hates me now. I wouldn't blame her if she did, I know thats what I deserve.
The heart break was finally setting in.
"Hello Beautiful
How's it go-"
I quickly answered my phone.
"Hannah?" I asked. My heart beat was going so fast I thought it was going to rip right out of my chest.
"I got your message."Hannah said, her voice was hoarse. She's been crying.
"Let me talk." Hannah said cutting me off.
"I love you, but I can't just sit here and let you treat me like shit. If you want to break up fine. But at least have the fucking decency to do it to my face. And how can you love me and treat me like this? If you really loved me you would have told me sooner." Hannah yelled into the phone.
"Hannah I'm so sorry." I said. Now was my turn to cry. I didn't realize how I was acting towards her.
"I love you so much, Nick. That's why it hurts me so much when you treat me like like that."
"I know. I promise it will never happen again."
"Alright. You better." Hannah said with a sad laugh.
"So are we alright then?" I asked, I couldn't keep the hope from showing in my voice.
"Yeah. We're alright."
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter really sucks =/. I'm not expecting any comments so I'm just giving up on asking you guys to. And I'm guessing the chapter before this sucked too, considering I didn't get ANY feedback. But oh well.
chapter title: Decode Paramore