‹ Prequel: Fate

Our Lives Before Fate Interveined

There Goes My Life, There Goes My Everything


It's already been a month since the Jonas' left. My birthday has come and gone. I received a call from each Jonas, even Nick. And just like he promised Joe calls me everyday. I talk to everyone else every couple of days. Except for Nick. I've only talked to him twice, including the call on my birthday. I think it's for the best though.
For two weeks straight I stayed in bed and cried. I just didn't have the energy to do anything else. Part of it was them leaving, the other part was Nick. I love him with all my heart, and I always will, but did he really love me? Sometimes I find it hard to believe he really did. Joe told me Nick called his ex the day before he broke up with me, Joe believes that's the reason we broke up. My hearts broken and it's all Nick's fault. I don't know if I will ever forgive him for that.
On the third week of my depression the sickness hit me. I was constantly throwing up, then i would be hungry. Certain smells made me nauseous and I have to pee all the time. I think I probably have a weird flu, nothing to worry about. My mom disagrees, she is taking me to see a doctor.
"Seriously mom it's nothing." I said for the millionth time.
"Fine Hannah." My mom said ignoring me.
I turned the radio up so I wouldn't have to talk to my mom.
"Alright so today on the show we have the Jonas Brothers!" The radio DJ announced.
I resisted the strong urge to turn the radio off.
"How about we start off by introductions." The radio DJ suggested.
"I'm Joe." Joe's contagious laughter rang through the speakers.
"I'm Kevin." I could picture Kevin's big friendly smile.
I'm Nick." My heart skipped a beat hearing his voice. That smooth, angelic, voice I used to love hearing.
"So how are you guys?"
The interview continued like that, asking the routine questions.
"Now for the question everyone wants to know: Do you have girlfriends?"
I listened closely, sure I knew the answer but I was still a little curious.
"Nope. I'm single. So ladies give me a call." Joe answered.
I had to laugh at that answer, he is such a goof ball.
"Yeah I'm single as well." Kevin answered next.
"I'm single." Nick answered with a nervous laugh.
"So who inspires you to write songs?"
"Personal experiences and things our friends have gone through."Nick answered. Even with that one sentence you could tell he really loved music.
"Alright. Who inspired 'When You Look Me In The Eyes', your latest single?"
"This girl Nick dated." Kevin said.
"Yeah." Nick said sounding embarrassed.
'She's one of my best friends." Joe added in.
My eyes grew wide as I processed that. Was the song about me?
"Wow Joe." Kevin said. "You really know how to be discreet. She's probably listening right now."
"Oops." Joe said.
"Well that's all the time we have."
The radio was cut off when my mom turned the car off. I sat there still thinking about what Joe said.
"Come on Hannah."
I snapped out of my thoughts and sighed sadly. I jumped out of our big, black, Escalade and followed my mom into the way to fancy hospital. It was defiantly for the rich and famous. While my mom checked me in a sat in one of the uncomfortable waiting room chairs. I picked up the latest PEOPLE magazine and scanned the article. One article stuck out at me.

Niley Back On?

A new picture of Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas was released last week onto the Internet. The picture (shown above) shows the pair closer then most "friends" would dare to go. Does this mean Niley is back? Or Is this just a picture from the past? And what about Nick's reported relationship with Hollywood Records executive Steve Adam's daughter? We will just have to wait and see where the drama will take us.

I threw the magazine down in disgust. I would have to ask Joe about this later.
I looked up at the nurse that had called my name. My mom and I followed her into an exam room. She did the normal check up then told me the doctor would be in soon.
I sat on the hospital bed and thought about Nick. It's like everywhere I go I'm reminded of him. And the whole Miley Cyrus thing, well it's his choice if he wants a girlfriend so soon.
"Hannah your phone." My mom snapped at me.
I was in such deep thought I hadn't noticed my phone ringing. I quickly answered it.
"Hannah Bear!"
"Hey Joe. Can I call you later?"
"I'm kind of busy." I replied.
Oh alright I'll talk to you later then."
I shut my phone right as the doctor walked in. He's an older man with dark hair and a glasses.
"Hello Miss Adams I'm Dr. James."
I smiled politely at him and my mom shook his hand.
"So Hannah tell me whats been going on."
I preceded to tell him about the things that had been happening to me the past week.
He sat in deep thought for a moment, "How old are you again?"
"When was your last menstrual cycle?"
I opened my mouth to answer but I couldn't say anything. I honestly couldn't remember having one in the past month.
"Um...I can't remember." I admitted.
"Alright well I'm going to run some tests to determine what could be wrong." He said then left a nurse to take my blood and all that good stuff.
Two hours later he came back in with the results.
"Alright everything looks normal." He began. I knew there was a 'but-' coning. "But-"
Yep there it was.
"There is some bad news or good news depending on how you look at it."
My mom gave him a confused look.
"I had them run a pregnancy test, just as a Precaution-"
"Are you trying to tell us she's pregnant?" My mom asked quietly.
I looked at the doctor horrified. I've only had sex once! How could this happen?
"There options to consider. I can give you some pamphlets on abortion and adaption if you want."
I looked up startled. Did I just say that? By the looks my mom and Dr. James were giving, I did.
"I want to keep the baby." I said quietly after a moment of silence.
I was keeping this baby no matter what.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I took so long to update, I've been really busy. Thanks for all the comments, they made me smile =]. Did you like this one? I wasn't sure how to do the news article, so that's why it sucks.
Alright sequel time, now I need your votes. I can't decide between A) Hannah and Nick, B) Joe and a girl, or C) not having a sequel. so tell me what you think, I seriously need some help with this. There is only two chapters left so I need to know what you want.
chapter title:There Goes My Life by Kenny Chesney.

p.s. the pregancy stuff I'm kind of guessing on so most of it is probably wrong.

p.p.s. and if there was an confusion she is around two months pregnant.