‹ Prequel: Fate

Our Lives Before Fate Interveined

All Of These Lies Will Burn You On The Inside


The drive home from the hospital was filled with tension. My mom hasn't looked at me since I made my decision, I think she's disappointed.
"When we get home go straight into your fathers office." My mom said obviously trying to hide her emotions.
"Yes ma'am." I said quietly.
I called Joe back and we talked for a few minutes, he had to tell me about the flip he did at the concert. My mom pulled into our driveway, so I quickly said goodbye to Joe. I followed my mom to my fathers office. He was sitting at his desk looking at some papers.
"How did the appointment go?" He asked without taking his eyes off the papers in front of him.
"Your daughter is pregnant."
I just love how blunt and to the point my mom is, most of the time anyways.
The room went deadly silent I watched my dad waiting his response. The one I got wasn't what I was expecting.
"Who's the father?" He asked. then before I could answer he said, " Never mind I don't want to know."
He was actually keeping his cool, maybe this won't turn out bad.
"OK I will set up an appointment at the abortion center to get rid of it."
I couldn't believe it. He wanted to have his own grandchild killed? I took a step back in shock, and instinctively rested a hand on my stomach.
"No." I said my voice sounding so much more confident then I felt. " I'm keeping my baby."
"Then you are no longer welcome in my house!" My dad yelled. his face had turned a weired red color.
"Now Steve let's talk-"
"No if you side with her you can leave to!" My dad yelled. He stood from his chair and glared at us.
"Fine." My mom grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room.
"Go pack. You don't need everything. just the necessities. We'll come back for the rest later."
That night we stayed at a hotel. My mom, being the smart women she is, had a house in San Diego my father didn't know about. In the morning we would be on a plane to our new home.

-Two Months Later-Four Months Pregnant-

We are moved into our new home and have started our new lives. My mom has a job as a secretary and is in the middle of divorcing my father. I had a little baby bump forming and after years of home schooling I was being forced into public school. I haven't made any friends yet, no one has been brave enough to befriend the pregnant girl. To help my mom I found a job at a dinner.
"Hannah let's go." My mom said. I could tell she was nervous.
We were on our way to meet Denise and Kevin Sr. for lunch. I was going to break the news to them. We pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and i saw a familiar black SUV. My mom turned the car off.
"Alright lets do this." She said preparing herself, like she was going into Battle or something.
We walked slowly to where they were waiting for us.
"Hi Denise." i said as I hugged her.
"Hello Hannah." She said hugging me back tightly. I felt her whole body tense as she pulled away to look at me.
"Hey Kevin." I said quickly before Denise could say anything.
"It's great to see you again Hannah." Kevin said pulling me into a hug.
After The Jonas' greeted my mom we went into the restaurant. Inside while we ate the conversation stayed with random topics. That is until dessert, when my mom began to speak.
"Well I think now is the time to tell you why we invited you here." She began.
"Does it have to do with why Hannah's stomach has grown?" Denise asked.
"Yes." I said quietly.
Denise nodded her head in understanding. Kevin looked at his wife for a moment then it seemed to all come together.
"oh." He said looking at me.
"I want you to know I don't want the boys to know." I said. "I know how this will effect the band."
"But you have to tell them. Nick would want to know. He would want to be there for you." Denise said. She looked hurt that I wanted to keep this from Nick.
"I know, that's why we can't tell them." I said trying to make her see things my way.
"She's right." Kevin said quietly to Denise.
"But-" Denise began to argue.
"It's what's best." Kevin said sadly.
Denise turned back t o me and gave me a look that clearly said 'I can't believe you'.
"fine, but you will tell him the next time you see him."
"I will. I promise." I said without any hesitation.
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well I hope you like this one. I still need your votes!
And when you're done commenting you should read my other story What I Go To School For. =]