‹ Prequel: Fate

Our Lives Before Fate Interveined

Never Felt This Way In My Whole Life


I stood by the door waiting for my dad to awknowledge my presence. I kept my gaze from wondering to the boys seated at the table in front of me.
"Oh Hannah. Good your here." My dad said motioning for me to take the seat next to his. "Hannah this is Mr. and Mrs. Jonas."
I smiled at the couple seated across from me.
"And my newest clients, the Jonas Brothers."
I looked at the three boys seated at the other end of the table. They waved when their name was called.
"Hannah would you please take the boys to our house? The meeting is going to be a little longer so I figured they would have more fun at our house. Jeffery should be outside waiting." My dad said checking his watch.
"Um...Sure." I knew I had no choice but to agree.
"Good, good. You can go now." My dad said with a wave of dismissle.
I stand from my chair trying to keep the look of dismay from my creeping onto my face. Instead of waiting for the Jonas Brothers I just walk out of the office.
"Hey wait!"
I don't stop or turn to look who's behind me. I continue on in a fast pace.
Suddenly there's a hand on my arm, sending an electric shock through my body. the hand jerks away from me and I know he felt it too. I turn to look at who stopped me. He's a few inches taller than me with curly brown hair and from what I can see brown eyes. There is no doubt about it he's gorgeous.
"What?" I ask harshly. No matter how good looking he is, he's still a Disney kid. I despise Disney kids.
"Why are you in such a hurry?"
"I want to go home." I said with a disinterested shrug.
He tilts his head to the side like he's trying to figure me out. I looked away from his gaze to the floor. There's something about this boy, I just can't quit figure out what. It's like this feeling I've never felt before, and I'm not sure if it's good.
"Hey guys."
I looked up and the other two Jonas Brothers are standing in front of me.
"Hi." I mumble.
"I'm Kevin." One of the boys introuduces himself. He looks like he's the oldest. He has curly brown hair and brown eyes.
"I'm Joe." The other boy greeted. Unlike the other two he has straight dark, almost black, hair and eyes like his hair, so dark they seem black.
I looked at the boy standing in front of me waiting for him to speak. He just looked back at me not sayin anything.
"Ok. Well we should go."
I turn back the way I was walking and continue to the elevators.
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chapter title from: Shine by The Morning Of
I promise it should get a little more interesting soon.