‹ Prequel: Fate

Our Lives Before Fate Interveined

I Can't Pretend I Don't See This


"Come on let's go downstairs.' Nick said. He walked over to me and held out his hand.
I didn't even hesitate before taking his hand and walking with him downstairs to find our parents. We found them in the den talking with Joe and Kevin. I let go of Nick's hand the second I saw my dad. Nick glanced at me as he sat down next to Joe on the couch. Without really giving it a second thought I sat next to Nick and smiled at him. I saw my dad give us suspicious look.
My dad doesn't like me dating his clients. He usually tells me right off the bat to stay away from his male clients. I think he's scared if I date one of his clients it will ruin his job. He doesn't have to worry though I don't like Nick like that.
"Well did Hannah give you the tour?" My mom asked the boys.
"Yes. You have an amazing home." Kevin replied politely.
"Thank you." My mom smiled at Kevin. I looked at my mom and noticed she had that "I just spent way to much money" glow about her.
"Why don't the adults go into the kitchen to discuss a few things." my dad said quickly, trying to keep an awkward silence from happening. Denise, Kevin Sr. , and my parents left the room chatting about something I could care less about.
"Well that was-"Kevin began.
"Awkward." Joe said in a cute voice, finishing Kevin's sentence.
Kevin elbowed Joe in the side.
"Ow!" Joe yelped out in pain. Joe glared at Kevin.
"Let's go play Rock Band." I suggested sensing a fight coming.
The boys agreed and. We played a couple rounds of the game, but were interrupted by our parents when it was time for dinner. At dinner I met the fourth Jonas, Franklin, A.K.A Frankie.
"So we have some news to share." Denise began glancing at my parents.
"Since we don't have a house yet, the Adams' have asked us to stay here." Kevin took over for his wife. "Just until we find a place of our own."
"And this will also give you a free place to record." My dad added.
"That sounds great!" Kevin happily said.
"Yeah!" Joe agreed excited.
"After dinner you can pick out a room." My mom said smiling her big fake smile.
Joe and Kevin raced to finish their food, they wanted first pick at the rooms. Joe finished first and hurried out of the room. Kevin followed a minute later. Nick ate his food at leisurely pace.
"Nick, don't you want to pick your room?" Denise asked.
"Yeah, but i should probably wait for Joe and Kevin to fight over them first." Nick replied.
"Can i be excused?" I asked, pushing my plate away.
"Of course." My mom said not even looking my way.
I quickly took my plate into the kitchen and practically ran to my room. i laid back on my bed and closed my eyes. This stupid part I have to play in my parents game is starting to get to me.
I sat up so fast the blood rushed to my head. Nick was standing in the entrance to my room.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
"Sure." I nodded.
Nick sat next to me on my bed. He sat up against my head board, I re-situated myself to face him. For the next hour and half Nick and I talked. We asked questions and told funny stories that had us laughing hysterically.
"I couldn't help but notice there was some tension between you and your parents." Nick said when there was lapse in our conversation.
"Yeah, didn't know it was that noticeable," I mumbled. "I don't get a long with my parents."
"OK." nick said not pressing the issue. He looked at his watch then up at me. "I should go."
"Oh, alright." I smiled at nick as he left.
"Goodnight Hannah." Nick said stopping on the stairs.
"Sweet dreams." I smiled sweetly at Nick.
"If I dream about you they will be." Nick said, winking then he walked the rest of the way down stairs.
I squealed happily and fell back on my bed. I sighed as Nick's departing words ran through my head. Well this was unexpected.
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This might be the last update I get posted for the rest of the month. I leave in four days to go on vacation, and to see the Jonas Brothers preform. I will try to have another one up before that but no promises.
title chapter: Emergency by Paramore.